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It is a new age, a new time, a new Jedi Order. The Galaxy is at peace the last of the Sith were destroyed along time ago. So in that time Luke Skywalker traveled across the galaxy Before he died, to search for new Jedi to train to make a new Jedi Order. The first person he found was young human teenager named Kragalis. Luke sensed a strong potential in the force for young Kragalis. So Luke took him on his ship with permission from his parents and trained him in the Jedi arts while searching for more potential Jedi. Next Luke went to the planet of Naboo II. There he found a 20 year old man hitting some sort of practice dummy's with a wooden pole. He watched and observed the young mans fighting technique and style, to see if he would have any potential with a lightsaber. He soon asked the young man for his name, he said my name is Ji Ji Danks. Luke asked him if he would want to become a Jedi. Ji Ji Danks said if it means fighting and destroying evil I'm in. So they went back to Luke's ship. Luke had conversation with the two new Jedi he will train Luke said with determination u two will be future Jedi Masters of the New Jedi Order. They took it well and wanted to train hard to complete there goal. Luke rested and meditated for the next few days to become closer to the force so when he died he would become a force ghost. Almost a week later Luke continued to look for Jedi potentials. As they were looking to go to The Planet Of Tatooine another ship came by and blasted forward into hyper space, while doing that it hit Luke's ship and sent them spinning onto an unknown planet. When they crashed landed Luke told Kragalis and Ji Ji Danks to get out of the ship with him and grab one vibroblade each because there could be anything on this planet. Luke also ignited his bright green lightsaber. They started to search for a nearby town get ship repairs, on there way there they found an old burnt down village and someone crying out. This quickly alerted Luke and his young apprentices, so they ran towards where the yelling and crying was coming from and found two young boys trapped under a big size of burnt wood. What surprised Luke is that both the young boys were using a faint force push on the wood piled on top of them. Luke decided to force pull and push away the wood that was on top of them. The to boys thanked Luke and the others for helping them, one of them said my name Plut Kan and this is my friend Jangala. Then Plut Kan said you are Jedi right?, Luke said yes we are these are my young apprentices who are going to be Jedi and helping me find potential Jedi along the way. Well I'm the grandson of Plo Koon, he looked after us when we were born before he died. Luke asked them to join and they so happily agreed. Luke asked Plut Kan and Jangala if there was a nearby town so they could get ship repairs, Jangala then said yeah there's a town just of that hill. Great said Luke we'll head there now. When they got to the small town over the hill they bumped into a small man, hey I'm Dow Henndo I'm a local dealer in this town do you want to buy something. Luke said yes we are looking for some spare parts and someone to help us repair our ship. You've come to the right place then I'll give you some parts for 50 credits and I'll help you myself with some of my repair droids for 100 credits. Ok that's a deal said Luke. When Dow finished helping them. They flew off to there original destination which was Tatooine. When they arrived and landed a boy came up to see them and said I hear your looking for potential Jedi and I was wandering if me and my brother could join. That's good said Luke but you have to show me a sign of the force. Reach deep inside you and focus on lifting the rock in front of you. The first boy started to look at his rock and focused on it hard and it began to shake slightly same with his brother this showed Luke they have potential with the force. You both passed the test said Luke now tell me your names, the first boy said I'm Konchal And the second boy said I'm Poong Cholo. Very good Luke said now have you seen any other people around here who can do what you do. Yeah our friends Ju Doki and Oxo Loxo are like us. Luke sensed they were telling the truth and took all four of them aboard. Luke had room in his ship for one more person. For our last stop we will go to Earth Mark III and find one more youngling there and start to build the new Jedi Temple. Shortly after they arrived they visited the city of Qoriba to search for there final Jedi youngling. They where in the city streets when a young teen boy pushed past them with about 4 men running after him Luke decided to help the young boy by running after them. When all nine of caught up they saw the young boy backed into an alley by the four men. Suddenly before Luke and the others where about to attack the men the young boy pulled out a long wooden pole and started bashing and slashing at the men knocking 3 of them out and breaking the last ones ribs leaving them all on the ground in agony in less than a 5 minutes. Then Luke approached the boy who claimed to not interested but joined anyway because he had nowhere else to go. He called himself Binduv for he never new his original name. Eventually the city of Qoriba was the place Luke and his apprentices settled and citizens of Qoriba helped them build there new Jedi Temple.

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