Chapter 27

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Brendon continued to look down at the scared girl, feeling a slight tremor run down his body. Oh, he wanted to do it so bad. Brendon wanted so desperately to hear Ella's beautiful screams as he dragged the knife across her neck.

Sadly, the majority of him told him not to, since he was in love with her. Closing his eyes and pulling the knife away from her neck, Brendon huffed, the knife returning to his side. "I suggest you go upstairs, Ella. I wouldn't want to hurt you."

Looking up at Brendon, the moonlight illuminating his ivory skin, Ella shakily stood up, then ran out of the room. She wasn't going to her room, though. Ella had a plan that couldn't possibly fail or Brendon would surely kill her. 

Running down the hall, towards Brendon's room, she continued looking back as if Brendon was right behind her. Ella had thought that if she had stayed there for just one more minute, she would lose her mind.

When she got to his room, she slammed the door behind her, locking it in the process. She looked around the room, noticing the chair right next to the desk in the corner of the room. 

Ella swiftly walked over to the chair, struggling to pick it up with her shaking hands. "Come on! Come on! You can do this!" Her breath shakily escaping her open mouth. Brendon had started walking upstairs, scaring Ella to death.

She only had one chance and if she screwed up just one little detail, she'd be laying on her death bed. Ella finally moved the chair near the door, tipping it so it was under the door knob. Brendon placed his hand on the door knob, pounding on the door with his free hand. 

"Ella! Open this damn door right now!" Ella started to feel tears running down her cheeks. As she backed up, she made sure that Brendon couldn't get in. The constant pounding on the door grew louder and louder as she neared the window. 

Ella turned quickly, unlocking the window as fast as she could. Brendon began to play with the door knob, but soon realized that it wasn't working. He began to pat his pockets, looking for his pocket knife. 

Once he found it in his right pant pocket, he quickly pulled it out, and began striking the door with it. His heartbeat was going a million miles per hour as he kept on striking the door. Brendon started to kick the door as well. The noise doubling in sound, which gave Ella a headache.

Almost halfway out the window, Ella continued to look at the door, her thumping head distracting her. Soon, she was out the window, but Brendon had just managed to get into his own room. A look of rage on his face, he stormed over to the window, watching as Ella made her way down. 

He slammed his fist on the wall, then ran out of the room, making his way towards the front door. Quickly slipping on his shoes, Brendon opened the front door, then ran to the side of the house, where Ella was finally just reaching the snow covered grass. It was like time had stopped.

Brendon and Ella made eye contact, then Ella took off before Brendon could get her.

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