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"Did you guys see what Loreley did to our swimming pool?" a girl asks the group of people that I'm hanging out with.

"Lyra, are you even paying attention?" my best friend, Rose Dawson, asks me. "You usually love debating about Loreley."

"Just not in the mood today," I answer her. The truth is, I was up-all-night last night singing. I was using my voice to destroy the swimming pool. Yeah, I have powers. Yes, I'm kind of a super villain. I'm just misunderstood, and it's not even my fault I'm this way. It's all because of the grand trio of Merryweather High School, Catherine Summers, Heather Wells, and Martha Kallas. One day after school I was listening to music, and they pushed me into the swimming pool. My phone made the pool become electrocuted. The electricity and the water changed my voice. I can control people if they hear me singing. I also can use my singing to make things break, or crumble down.

I ditched my old friends after I learned the effects of my powers. I became one of the populars and never looked back on what I had. Now I'm the queen of Merryweather High. But the girls got away with ruining my life. And it's all because of society's rules.

"Lyra, are you coming to the assembly for Radio Wave?" Heather Wells asks me. I snap my head in her direction. Radio Wave, the bane of my entire existence. Radio Wave, the hero that keeps foiling my attempts to make my mark on society.

Radio Wave uses sound waves to aid him in stopping me. He is also immune to my singing.

"Yeah," I say smirking, a plan forming in my head. "I'll be there."

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