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"Look, there's no reason for you to be here Loreley," Radio Wave tells me.

"So, I wasn't invited then?" she asks. "Well, that seems like a waste. I assume you all know that I've electrocuted your pool. It would be a shame if all of you decided to go swimming in it."

"Why don't we fight then," Radio Wave suggests. "If I win, you have to leave and never return."

"And what if I win?" I ask him.

"Then I leave, and you're free to do whatever you want to the town," Radio Wave says, after a few moments of silence. I grin, I have him just where I want him. I walk up onto the stage where he is standing.

"Deal," I say, and hold my hand out for a shake. He tries to shake it, but I punch him in the gut instead. He regains his posture and throws a punch at my head. I catch his fist and box his ear. We are locked in battle, I'll throw a punch and he'll return it. I look into his eyes, and what I see astounds me. He looks scared. When I catch another of his punches, it's clear to me that he's not trying to win.

Why wouldn't he be trying to win? We're fighting over the city's safety, and he's not trying. I look back at our other fights in the past, and he doesn't seem like he's trying there either. I begin to rack my brain for reasons why this might be possible. And then the answer comes to me.

Radio Wave doesn't want me to be put in jail. Radio Wave doesn't want me to leave. Does Radio Wave like me? Radio Wave likes me.

"You can do it Radio Wave," someone in the crowd calls out, breaking me out of my thoughts. I look up at the boy that I'm fighting with, and I don't know if I want to fight him anymore. I block his punch and run out of the building. I run to the place that I call my headquarters, and sit on the roof. I throw my mask off in frustration and pull my red hair out of its ponytail.

"It's madness to love him," I say frustrated.

"There's always a reason behind madness," a voice behind me says.

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