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"Dude, hurry up. We're going to be late for the assembly," my best friend, Colton Williams, tells me. I zip my jeans up and exit the stall.

"You know, I'm not feeling so good. Why don't you go, and take some pictures for me?" I ask him.

"I will," he tells me and rushes out of the men's restroom. I go back into the stall and change into my superhero suit. It alternates black and gold, and has a silver boombox on the front. I walk out of the restroom, and toward the gym. I walk into the gym, and it erupts in screams. Merryweather High decided to hold an assembly for me, and my attempts to stop Loreley.

I got my powers when I went to the carnival. The ride I was on got electrocuted, and I got my powers. I'm able to control sound waves. I decided to use my powers for good, when my best friend abandoned me to become popular.

Loreley is a super villain. She is able to control people with her singing, and she uses her singing to destroy things.

"Radio Wave, thank you for coming to our humble school," Principal Grace says once I've walked up onto the stage.

"It's an honor to be here," I respond. She is about to make an announcement to the crowd, but one of the gym doors flies open. Loreley waltzes in, wearing a black suit that has music notes all over it.

"How cute," Loreley says. "You're having an assembly for Radio Wave. But what did he do exactly? He hasn't stopped me, in fact, I don't know if he's trying to stop me anymore." There is a ring of truth to what she is saying. I haven't been trying to catch her. Because I don't know if I could live with the girl I love being locked away in prison.

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