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The day started off earlier than most, a nervous energy radiating from you as you bolted out of the hotel bed, putting on your best professional outfit. Your first day at a new job. You could hardly even believe you'd even been considered for this, much less on your way to it now. You breathed in a deep sigh as you quickly did your best to appear presentable. You had already done all you could do to your (h/l), (h/t  [hair texture]), (h/l) hair, and adjusted your top.

       Yes, today was the day. You grinned at your appearance, nodding. You were quite pleased with yourself. You looked fresh. Nice. Grabbing together the things you needed, you snagged a light coat in case the room was chilly. You didn't quite know what the meeting would hold, so you quickly brushed over the files of each country as you made your way to the sleek elevator, mumbling softly to yourself. "I just hope I can remember all of these names." Sighing, you pressed the up button on the elevator, nose buried deep in your notes.

       The tell-tale "ding" of the doors invited you to step inside the small space, luckily for you there was no one else in there just yet. Good. You hated being cramped in small spaces with too many people. You closed the file and pressed the button for the meeting room, 26. Just as the doors were closing, you heard a loud voice call out, "Dude, wait up!"
        Your eyes widening, you stuck a foot in the door to prevent it from closing. As the doors opened, you saw a tall man with bright blue eyes and short blonde hair, a single cowlick popping up from it. He wore a brown bomber jacket, and glasses. "Oh, my bad. Thanks dudette." He smiled. You merely replied with a small smile and "No problem."

       "What floor are you headed to?" You asked, tilting your head at the blond male who was now standing in the elevator with you. He was staring at you, analyzing you. Your plump lips moving caught his attention. "Huh, I'm sorry, I'm all over the place this morning. What'd you ask?" He chuckled, placing a hand on the back of his head, as if embarrassed. You shrugged, giggling softly. "It's alright. I only asked what floor you're headed to." You stated, reaching your hand out for the buttons. "Oh, 26!" He replied and you smiled. "Oh, that's great, me too!" The doors shut and you began your ascent.

       The man's eyes widened.  "Really? The only people allowed on that floor is the staff and countries!" He stated, quirking a brow at you. "Oh, I'm a member of the staff. I have to record and take notes." You grinned, motioning to your files and laptop. "Today's my first day." You beamed, looking over at the man.

      "Wicked! You know who I am then, right?!" He beamed, smirking at you. You studied him for a moment. "Please forgive me if I'm wrong, it's hard to remember names and faces. You're um..." you paused, taking in his figure as you pulled your bottom lip into your mouth in frustration. "...Mr. Jones, right? America." You smiled as the American male grinned, showing you a thumbs up. "That's right! Look at you go, cutie. Have you learned the others yet? If not, I'll definitely help you out remembering!" He offered, much to your delight. You blushed softly at him calling you cute, tucking a stray hair back into place.  "Oh, that would be wonderful,  Mr.Jones! Thank you!"

"Just call me America, and you are?"

You grinned widely as the doors opened to reveal the hallway of the 26th floor. "It's (Y/FN) (Y/LN)."

"Lovely to meet you, (Y/N). Now whatda ya say we go get you all set up, yeah?" He replied, saying your name slowly, as if tasting it. You nodded, and stepped out of the elevator. America grinned, watching your form leave the elevator, holding back a soft growl as he watched your hips sway gently back and forth.

He was going to enjoy this meeting for once.


Forever or Never [Yandere! America x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now