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America couldn't have been a better help to you in getting you set up in a comfortable spot near the middle of the table, close enough where you could keep your laptop plugged in so it didn't die on you. Eventually though, he ran off to grab a bite to eat before the meeting started. He asked you to go with him, but you declined, reminding him that you had to look over your notes. He pouted at that, but left you be.

       America poked his head back through the open doorway for a moment before he left, grinning, "Oh, and (y/n), if anyone here bothers you let me know. I'll handle them for you." You smiled at his statement, nodding. "Of course, America." He smiled at you, but underneath it there was something..cold. You couldn't quite put your finger on it. You shook it off though, and continued looking over your notes.

       One by one, countries began to come in and take their seats, a few bickering between each other before they noticed you. A few introduced themselves, such as England and Germany, but most of the others were too busy to notice your presence. Until Russia came in.

       Russia was a tall, burly looking man who made you shiver just looking at him. He introduced himself and seemed very sweet, even sitting next to you and making small conversation. You were beginning to like him a bit up until he very firmly grasped your hand. "Mr. Branginsky, please don't grab me like that. I don't appreciate it." He merely tightened his grip, causing you to whimper. "I like you, Ms. (L/N). You should come back to my room with me." He grinned, his purple eyes closing in a smile.

       It was at this moment a certain blonde entered the room, carrying an extra burger for the girl he'd met in the elevator. His eyes suddenly grew dark when he saw the Russian gripping your fragile hand. A dark feeling began to bubble inside of Alfred and he resisted the urge to knock the man out as he walked over, tapping him on the shoulder, a fake bright grin on his face. "Russia, the meeting starts in two minutes and you're in my seat." He stated, adjusting his glasses. You held your breath until Russia nodded and rose from the chair, going to his seat.

      "Thank you.." you whispered to America as he sat next to you. His blue eyes were full of concern. "Are you okay, did he hurt you?" He asked, lightly tracing his fingers over your hand. You blushed, shaking your head. "No, no, just scared me a little is all." You respoded, looking down at your lap as Germany rose and called the meeting to begin, introducing you to everyone. You nodded and when the countries began talking, you started typing away.


      America couldn't believe how cute you were. He watched your expressions as you typed, the way your pink tongue barely darted from the corner of your mouth as you concentrated. He wasn't trying to stare at you per-say, you just captured his attention more than this meeting.

      Once, he caught Russia staring at you as you typed, and that dark feeling erupted in his chest again. He wasn't going to take you from him. No way. You were too cute, too sweet. So soft and innocent. Part of him wandered to some not so innocent thoughts.

      You pressed against the wall, that outfit of yours ripped off of your body, revealing your soft (s/c) skin. Those lips parted as your fingers tangled in his hair as his tongue dove between your lucious thighs, your soft voice moaning his name over and over. America, America, "America". Oh he could almost hea-

       "Um, Alfred, the meeting is over. Are you alright?" You tilted your head at him,your (e/c) eyes looking over his face with concern. The American blushed, nodding. "Yeah, yeah, just thinking about how what we decided is going to affect me and all that jazz." He lied, grinning at you.

      He could feel you liked him. He just knew it. Girls always fell for the hero. Maybe...maybe he'd ask you out for dinner or something. Or maybe...

     "Ah, hey (y/n), if you don't have anything else planned til tomorrow's meeting, do you maybe wanna hang out?" He asked, biting hibottom lip. You paused, looking up toward the ceiling in thought. "Other than saving and sending these notes off, I have nothing better to do. Sure!" You beamed and America felt his heart lurch.

           You were so perfect.


Forever or Never [Yandere! America x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now