[4]~Not All Bad

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"Bye." he said when I stood up.

I looked back at him. "Bye." I smiled before I got off the bus.

I didn't catch his name but there was something about the 3 word conversation we had that was relaxing. Wasn't sure if I would ever see him again but he smelled like coco and chocolate. I liked that.



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I was not very fond of the hospital smell but I pushed my discomfort and made my way to the front desk. A woman in her mid-fifties who looked about ready to give anyone a hug, sat at the desk.

Going to the hospital was definitely very ballsy of me. I wasn't even guaranteed to see her today. Especially because I didn't know her... yet.

I was willing to take those chances anyway.

Fixing my posture and mastering the most polite voice I could, I spoke to her.

"Good Afternoon, I'm here to see Kayleigh." I smiled at her. "Kayleigh Blue." I clarified.

"Hi sweetie. And you are?" she asked me, fixing her glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"Vanessa Parker. I just wanted to give her a hope-you're-feeling-better-now gift." I said, holding up the box of goods I brought for Kayleigh.

The woman, who's name was Yolanda, eyed the goods, then eyed me. "Okay." she said. "Kayla, you said?" she asked, typing something in.

"Kayleigh Blue."

Yolanda didn't respond for a few seconds, until she spoke again. "Room seventeen on the second floor. You're free to use the stairs or elevators."

After thanking her and giving her a polite nod, I headed for the stairs and walked from room to room till I found the correct one.

I took a deep breath.

Seeing her again but with her eyes open, was a lot but at some point it was going to happen. Might as well be now.

I pushed the door open. My eyes immediately landed on Kayleigh, who was watching a movie on the small television screen, across the room.

I smiled at the other patients as I made my way to her bed. She looked better than the last time I saw her, which was reassuring. The overwhelming feeling of seeing her again started to come over me but I was glad she was okay.

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