No, I wasn't head cheerleader in high school nor did I date the captain of the football team. I wasn't popular and all the things you'd expect from the main character, very sorry to disappoint. I did, however, graduate top of my class and was on the...
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The door then flew open, where Lillian stood.
"I don't know who the fuck you are and where you come from but slamming the door in someone's face is rude."
I remained quiet and fixed my eyes on the television screen.
Lillian, she had said.
That was the name written on Keighley's note. They lived together? That's definitely worse. Given, what happened to them is none of my business but if Kayleigh was going to be my new roommate, I'm pretty sure speaking to Lillian isn't going to make matters better.
"Didn't think she would have found a replacement already." Lillian rolled her eyes. "Good luck I guess, you'll need it."
Lillian made her way to the closet that was in the hallway to take a few of her things that I assumed were stored there. I watched her for a few seconds before I spoke.
"I'm guessing you don't know that Kayleigh was admitted to the hospital earlier today?" I said.
My words seemed to be nothing to her as she had no reaction to them. She just continued addi g things into a big black bag.
"Oh boo-fucking-hoo, Kayleigh Blue found another way to draw attention onto herself. The crowd applauses." she rolled her eyes.
Wow. My only thought was: wow.
"That's all you have to say? Your former tried to kill herself and all you have to say is «it was all for attention»?"
I hear the shatter of glass. Lillian dropped a picture frame she held as I finish my sentence. I watched as the colour drained from her face slowly. "She... she tried to-" she didn't finish.
Her breath quickened as she seemed to be collecting a lot of thoughts in her head.
"Focus on your breathing. Slowly." I said, trying to calm her down.
"I- I have to go." she walked past me. "I'm so, so, sorry."
The big black bag and shattered picture frame laid on the floor as she rushed out of the apartment.
I sat there in silence as I tired to make sense of what just happened.
What in the world have I gotten myself into?
I woke up to the sun shining brightly on my face. Too bright for my liking. I needed to get blinds.
I hurried to the kitchen to wash the dishes I had left in the sink last night. My mother would nearly have a heart attack if she knew I left dirty dishes over night, but this was my apartment now.
I wasn't sure when Kayleigh was going to be discharged, but I was looking forward to meeting her. Officially.
Once I was done with the dishes I headed to the bathroom. The memories of Kayleigh in the bathtub flashed in my head when I entered. My stomach tightened. I decided to take a shower instead.
I'm never using the tub.
Once I was done, I left the apartment to catch the bus. That was my only form of transportation for now. My car was still back home and I was planning on taking it the next week.
I scanned the bus for an open seat. Had the option to sit next to a mother and her crying baby or a man with headphones in. The choice was pretty obvious.
He didn't look at me but I got a glimpse of his dark and green eyes. I put my head against the seat and closed my eyes for a moment.
"I hope you don't snore." a deeply masculine voice said beside me. I smiled, my eyes still closed. His breath smelled like chocolate.
"I'll try not to." I said.
The rest of the ten minutes were spent in silence as I listened to the music he was playing that could be heard from where I was seated.
I opened my eyes when I felt the bus stop. That was were I hopped off.
"Bye." he said when I stood up.
I looked back at him. "Bye." I smiled before I got off the bus.
I didn't catch his name but there was something about the 3 word conversation we had that was relaxing. Wasn't sure if I would ever see him again but he smelled like coco and chocolate. I liked that.