Prologue: Arrival

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I got through the portal and looked around and saw that the world was full of fog. I looked around so more and was amazed by this place even if I couldn’t see anything of it yet. “Curtis you done admiring the fog or are you going to keep looking stupid.” I hear Tyler yell at me. “Yeah i’m done anyways where's Petra.” I say as a Awoken ship blasted right by us. “There she is.” Donovan says as i look at him with a ‘really’ look on my face. “What i answered your question right?” Donovan says as i glare at him. “You are a smartarse you know that right?” I ask he as he smiles at me. After that situation goes down i decided to get serious. “Alright Petra is already ahead of us so let's get going.” I say as they all nod getting ready to enter into the unknown world.

    After a few minutes or jogging through the fog cover world we see that the fog was departing as we were going. “Hey Curtis we came through the watchtower right?” I hear Scarlett ask as were still going. “Yeah we did why do you ask that.” I say as the points to the right of the direction we were heading. “Then what's that?” She asked as i look where she was pointing to see to my complete shock a whole other watchtower exactly like the last one. “Wait what the heck why are we down here and not in that tower.” I hear Izu yell out as i was trying to figure that out myself. “No clue why that is maybe it has to do with the weird magic the awoken use.” I say as i start walking again. “Alright come on we don’t have all day.” I say as my fatigue was catching up with me. I start to breath a little bit harder. The only person that really took notice of it was Izu as she had a worried face looking at me.

    After a little bit of walking we started to see a clearing in the fog. “Guys there's a clearing up ahead come on.” Tyler says starting to run as everyone started to follow. As i tried to catch up the pain started to kick in. After a second i stopped and started to started trying to catch my breath. “Curtis come on we're almost to the city.” I hear Donovan yell at me. “Alright i’ll be right there.” I say as i stand up just trying to get through the pain. After another second or two i start on my way to catching up to the group. As i caught up to them i see that there are three priestess for the queen. What were they called again? You know what i’m calling them priestess. “Hey look i remember seeing them around the reef by the big temple.” I hear Izu say with joy in her voice. “Maybe they can help us.” Scarlett say as everyone but me got up. “Guys something is off about them their energies feel corrupted.” I say as they all look at me like i was on something. “Curtis they are with the queen what’s the worst that happens.” Tyler says as i just sigh. “What are we waiting for let's go. Donovan says as he runs towards them with Tyler and Scarlett following him as i was struggling again to even stand. “Curtis are you alright?” I hear Izu ask me. “Of course i'm fine see.” I say as i smile but it wasn’t even close to my normal smile. “Curtis i’ve known you for a long time and i know that you're nowhere near ok right now.” She says as i stop smiling and look down at the state that my body is in right now. I see all of the bruises, cuts, and scars i have gotten over the most recent event. “Yeah not in the best shape of my life right now huh.” I said to her trying to make things less stressful. “Look Curtis if you want then we can rest and catch up later on.” Izu says to me as i shake my head at her. “No not now not when we are so close to the city, hey you never know the magic here could heal me.” I say to her hoping that she will worry a little less about me. “Yeah let's hope so, anyways you still want to keep going?” Izu asked me as i look at her with a smile. “Yeah I no reason to not push through some pain.” I say standing up with her help. “Alright then let's go.” Izu says as we start jogging to catch up to the group. Little did we know the battle that was ahead of us

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