Galen Stone made his best efforts to serve as a part time caregiver

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Indeed, care giving adds a tremendous quality to the lives of everyone involved. If you have ever received care, you know how critical that support is to your quality of life. Care giving is much required to ensure that your loved ones are constantly advocated for and besides the additional support is being provided to them. Thus, caregivers are ideally suited to provide that support.

Undeniably, caregiving is all about having patience and empathy to help people when they need it the most. It respects the lives that the people have built for themselves. Caregivers are exclusively meant for those who desire assistance with the daily tasks of living. They are here to hold the families together and help your loved ones to get the most out of their lives.

Caring for a person with Alzheimer's disease demands a lot of patience. It is a condition that triggers abnormal changes in the brain, thus affecting memory and other mental abilities. It is a challenge both for the person diagnosed with the disease and for those who are undertaking the caregiving responsibilities. However, it develops gradually thus offering time to get adjusted to the diagnosis and spend the quality time together. The chronic stress of watching a loved one slowly getting declined affects everyone.

Providing emotional and physical support to the loved ones, Galen Stone served as a part time caregiver. He worked with two elderly gentlemen on a private contract basis. One man was suffering from Alzheimer's disease and required special attention. Galen constantly worked on managing the challenging behaviors and keeping the person safe. He always provided them with the required support and encouragement for the loved ones. He was always well versed with the fact that communication is the key in relationship between the caregiver and the patient.

Galen Stone very well knew that caregiving for the patient with Alzheimer's involves keeping them as safe as possible. He faced every challenge with a level of empathy. He dispensed medication, cooked for the person, cleaned and played games with him. Besides, he went for exercise with him and took him to all the medical appointments.

Formerly, Galen served at New Life Counseling, Inc. where he was responsible for providing individual and family counseling to the clients. This organization helps the clients to find the solutions to the life problems that are hindering their success. It makes use of the sound psychological theory and the interventions based in their unique needs. Overall, Galen Stone made his best efforts to provide the outpatient counseling services.

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