Chapter 1

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Everything was white, the ground, the dead trees and the houses down the street as well as the play ground that was across from the little girl.

" Go play Blossom"  said a tall slim lady covered in thick layers of winter jackets and jeans her crystal blue eyes staring at the girl were full of love.

The little girl nodded her head with happiness her eyes full of excitment, and ran happily to the playground as fast as she could. Sittling on the snow covered swing that was closest  to the white trees, a rainforst that seems to have no end behind her back. Giggling happily she jumped up onto the high seat and began to swing herself back and forard  she gradually swung higher and higher into the air, the wind pushing her fluffy pink hoodie back releasing her long sandy brown hair, her stomach filled with butterflies and  she burt into giggles.

Her giggles gradually turned into laughter but behind her laghte there was a muffeled screa, the slim lady was yanked away from watching her daughter next to la large oak tree and fell into the arms of a a man wearing black. A knife drawn to her troat, and with a flick of his wrist the mother fell limp, the deep wound on her troat was gushing blood, speeping through the black material of the killers thick black coat becoming unnoticable, invisable. 

He dropped the mothers limp form  onto the ground her blood staining the white from the snow, and turned his head to the little girl that was unaware of the event that just occured, still giggling for happiness. The man in black easly slipped unnoticed behind the seven year old and grabbed her seat stopping her mid swing. Her laughter stopped abruptly fear quickly swollowing her body. " Mummy?" she stutters fear and hope in her voice, " Not today.....Blossom." The killers harsh whisper was spat into her ear, he bought the knife to her troat blood still dripping from its blade from its last victim, but still craving for more. Instead of making it a fast kill the blade wants to save the moment, have her blood on his blade and to hear her screams.

The killer frees one hand and quickly pulls the little girl off her swing and half draged half carried her off into the dark woods, he deep into the depths of the forest and then finally drops the little girl onto large tree roots , the little girl whimpers and quickly scurries away to a tree trunk,, were she pulls her knees to her chest and burries her face into her thick black jeans and releases heart bracking sobs. The killer approches with slow steps and kneels infront of the crying girl.

"What's your name?" he asks in a deathly calm voice "Sami...: she reply's fearfully " Sami,do you want to see your mother?" Sami nodds her head and glances back to the direction of the playground wishing she could be cuddled up in her mothers arms  " I know a faster way for you to get to your mother faster." and with that that he launches the bloody knife into Sami's stomach, a gasp  of suprise and a cry of pain left her mouth. The man riped the knife out of her stomach leaving behind a gaping wound and heavily falling blood and launched it into her thigh and spinned the knife in a complete rotation  before ripping it out  on last time and hovering the blade over her sweaty pale troat tears poured out of her wide bloodshot eyes. She took deep struggled breaths to breath, her fingers grew numb. The last thing the 7 year olds eyes saw in her last seconds of life was yellow and grey teeth and thin lips moulded into an evil smirk. Her eyes fell shut as she took her final breath and slipped into the world of white.

" The snow was soft

the grass was dead

the leaves on the trees 

ran and fled 

the frozen rain chilled  me to bone 

my fingers are numb

my eyes are closed."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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