Chapter 1: A new quirk

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Kirishima Eijiro wasn't always scared of his quirk. In fact much like most kids he had eagerly awaited to grow into his quirk and had fantasized about how cool and manly it would be. He told his mom he was going to be a manly here and save all the people in trouble. He just needed his quirk to be awesome and flashy just like all the heroes on TV. But that's not exactly what he got... 


Eijiro walked into the kitchen to get drink of water in his favorite Crimson Riot footie pajamas, dragging his All Might blanket behind him. After setting the empty glass on the counter he wandered down the hall to go to the bathroom. Moments later the silence was shattered by a blood curdling shriek.

"MOMMY !!!" Eijiro screamed in pain. 

"Eijiro !? Honey whats wrong are you alright !?" Miss Krishima ran down to her son who was sobbing on the ground. "Eijiro look at me whats wrong- oh my god!" She stared in shock at her sons now rock hard arm, blood stained hand and bleeding eye. 

"Mommy mommy it hurts it hurts mommy!" Eijiro sobbed. "Mommy my arm is ..its.. mommy I dont like this!" 

"I know I know baby just hold on lets clean you up..." Kissing his cheeks she washed the cut over his eye gently. "I know your scared sweet heart but.. i think your growing onto your quirk. " 

"Th-this is my quirk.. ? B-but .. but its ...its scary! I don't wanna be scary mommy! I don't like this i don't want my arm to look like this mommy make me normal again  mommy please!" 

"Shh its alright its going to be alright hun you're going to be ok everything is going to be okay alright?" She soothed hugging him gently kissing his forehead and rocking him in her arms as he cried himself to sleep.

 The next morning Eijiro went to the doctor to confirm that that was his quirk. The doctor was very sweet and understanding about Eijiro's quirk and explained to him and his mother that he had the ability to harden himself. She warned them about the dangers being careless with it might cause and suggested that he stay home from school a few days to get used to his new abilities. Most of this was lost to Eijio who just sat on the medical table quietly through his examination. This wasn't the cool quirk he wanted. He didn't want to hurt people or himself with his powers. He didnt want to look at his hardened arms he didnt want to look scary he just wanted to go home and hide under the blankets. He hated his quirk. Not only that but he was terrified of it.

The next few days flew by and in no time Eijiro found himself swarmed by his young classmates, all wanting to see the their friends new quirk. Eijiro tried to smile and share the other kids excitement but he just couldn't understand why they all thought his powers sounded so cool. Its wasn't cool it was scary! Why didn't they see that? He still had a bandage on the cut over his eye and yet they seemed to think that made his power even cooler. He just didn't understand them.

"Can you show us please ?!" 

"Does it look cool when your all hard and stuff?"

"Can you get hard all over or just on your arms?"

"I-I dont know I havent tried... and I really dont want to here...I'm not very good at it yet. And it's not really that cool to look at." Eijiro mumbled.

"If you get all hard and sharp you could really hurt someone you know. That's something a bad guy would do. Are you going to be a bad guy?"

Ejiro suddenly found it hard to breathe. He wasnt going to be a bad guy... he was going to be a hero ...right? Heroes could have powers like his. Being scary didnt mean he'd be a bad guy. He wasnt going to be a bad guy his mom said he was good and the doctor said he was good. Breathing suddenly became difficult and he heard someone scream...why was someone screaming ? Someone grabbed him and pulled him into the hallway. His teacher was saying something to him but who ever was screaming was too loud. Everything hurt he felt stiff and his throat hurt for some reason. Then it his him.. he was screaming. Why was he screaming ?! Why couldn't he move?!

"Kirishima please look at me it's ok you need to calm down ok? Your mom is on her way kiddo your using you quirk can you stop? Please it's ok I need you to stop screaming ok? I know your scared but its ok." His teacher rubbed his back trying to get his small frame to go back to its normal non hardened state. The poor kid was completely hardened and was screaming and sobbing hysterically.

Ejiro couldn't stop crying. He knew he needed to but he couldn't stop everything was just so scary. He wanted to stop he didnt want to be like this he didnt want this quirk. He didnt want this power. Slowly his body softened an went limp as he lost conciousness.

(A/N I love my baby Kirishima! I hope you do to ! Let me know what you think and please feel free to leave ideas!)

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