The Breakup

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Hi everyone, this is sorta my first take at this, I had an idea so here we go! Constructive criticism is always helpful and please let me know if you want more.


Stefani sighed as she curled into her couch wrapped in a blanket; it had been a long week. The Grammys had occurred the day before and she had had a great time performing with her friends and fellow co-writers, as well as having taken home three more awards it was all a bit overwhelming. Yesterday was the first day she had stepped out in public without her ring and without Christian. Although she knew it had been the right thing to do, it was still hard.

He had been her rock for a short, but important period of time in her life and it was going to take some adjusting to. Last week when she had told him they needed to talk he had tensed immediately, knowing what was coming.


he had stated, voice cracking, as she told him that it wasn't going to work. The heartbreak in his eyes had made her cry. She apologized with tears running down her cheeks while telling him that he deserved someone who cherished and appreciated him properly. Someone who was willing to give him all of their love; something she just could not find within herself, despite months of trying. It was not fair for him to look at her with such love and devotion when she had been lying to herself for months over the person who had captivated her heart.

Bradley was a breath of fresh air she hadn't known she needed until he walked through her front door. They had clicked instantly and she did not know if she had ever felt so comfortable in someone's presence, especially an A-list Hollywood actor. She had met so many fake people since her career picked up and finding someone with who she was able to relate to had been extremely fulfilling. Once she had agreed to make to movie with him they had grown closer and closer, developing characters, plot lines, and deciding which way they wanted the music to go. She had been with Taylor at the time and he had not been impressed with how close her and Bradley had grown and how quickly as well. The breakup had been devastating.

She had thrown herself into Joanne, her final album before the movie was set to start filming and spent her time writing beautiful songs and going on tour. Along the way she had met Christian and he had been so kind to her, it was easy to fall into a relationship with him. However, what she had not realized for the longest time was the lack of spark between them. Sure, it had been comfortable to come home to someone who she trusted, and she did love him in a way, but it was not the passionate love she craved.

While working on A Star is Born she had dove deep into her character, Ally, and even though her story was completely different in many ways from the career she had built for herself as "Lady Gaga" she knew that Ally was a big part of her. It was easy for lines to become blurred when she was acting, preferring to stay in character more often than not for believability. However, what really got to her had been the songwriting. She wrote countless songs for the soundtrack as "Ally" but as time went on it was sometimes hard to determine where Gaga/Stefani ended and Ally began. It felt so natural to be the Ally to Bradley's Jackson.

The two had been close since they first met, the process of working to get the film greenlit as and development of characters afterwards had led to even more time spent together making them nearly inseparable. She told Bradley things about herself that not one person in the world knew and in return for baring her soul she learned every single thing about him, the good and bad. He was one of her best friends she she trusted him with her whole world.

Looking back she could not pinpoint when exactly she fell in love with him. She supposed it had been a slow process over time. Their time on set had been filled with laughter and smiles, lunches in between shooting had led to late night dinners and studio sessions at four in the morning. Sometimes they did not go home for days on end, instead spending almost every waking hour in each other's company before crashing on some random couch wrapped in each other's arms. She was sure their cast and crew must have known before she did, she was the stereotypical Hollywood starlet falling for her leading man.

After filming was complete she had been lost for about a week, unsure about what to do with her time. It had not felt right to dive into new music so quickly, Ally and Jackson's story still held more hold on her heart than she wanted to share to the world. When Bradley had asked if she wanted to come over one night to see where he had gotten so far in the editing process she had jumped at the chance, soon the majority of her time was, again, being spent with him. It had been amazing to help him piece scenes together to create their masterpiece. The night they watched the first rough cut she'd cried and he held her tightly in his arms as tears fell quietly down his face as well.

Premiere day at the Venice Film Festival had been magical. It was surreal for their movie to finally be seen by the world and at the standing ovation at the end she knew all of their hard work had paid off. Soon they were on a whirlwind press tour promoting the film together with their cast and crew. The whole group had become such a family on set and it had been a beautiful experience to spend time with them again. The press tour was soon followed by award season, leading her to now.

The last few months had been some of the most important of her career and she was honored to be apart of such a beautiful piece of art but her heart hurt. The moment she had realized she loved him her world had stopped. Of course she had fallen in love with the most beautiful man, whos soul connected to hers in a way nobody else's had but she couldn't help but feel stupid for letting herself get caught up in man she knew she could not have. As she tipped her glass back yet again and felt the alcohol burn down her throat the only thought that ran through her head was

"What's next."

Suddenly, her phone started ringing next to her, the sudden sound of "Midnight Special" tearing her away from her thoughts. After debating for a second whether or not she wanted to answer she sighed again, raised the phone to her ear and said


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