The Interview

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Hi everyone! I started a new book called "Wildest Dreams" if you wanna check that out.. I'm hoping to have a new chapter up tomorrow at some point. It's gonna be interesting. I've been sorta stuck on where to go with this story cause I have to start to branch out on my own instead of following real events so hopefully this and the next parts will make sense and flow just as nicely! I, of course, being the person I am, did not revise my work so let me know if you spot any mistakes!


Bradley returned from tucking Lea into bed sitting down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. He had had an interesting past couple of days. The morning after the Oscars he had woken up in the same hotel room with Irina and Stefani and they had been sitting on the couch.. Together.. laughing. It had been the last thing that he had expected and he had thought he was going nuts. Observing them for a few minutes had put a warm feeling in his chest and provided a sense of hope, everything was going to work out.

Once he'd shown them his presence they had talked about what they wanted to do about the current press situation. It had been decided that they would neither confirm or deny anything and with time the world would know what was happening; for now, they wanted to maintain as much privacy as possible. After the conversation had finished they'd ordered breakfast before parting ways. Stef had to go home and he and Irina had to figure out what exactly they were going to do.

Once he and Irina had reached home and tired out Lea enough to fall asleep they had had a long conversation. Together, they had decided that they were going to slowly settle affairs. At the moment their house was big enough for them to have their own space, even with his mom living there. It hadn't taken long to move him stuff into one of the guest suites. After they had both found new places within a reasonable distance from each other so Lea would not be far and would be within the same school district they decided that they would sell their house. They both basically had separate lives and earnings away from each other so it wasn't very hard to decide who got what, and they both agreed on the most important thing. They were going to try and keep everything as private as possible for Lea's sake and they were going to get along. Looking back on the earlier conversation Bradley felt relieved. This whole situation could have gone a whole different direction and he was lucky that everything was working out so smoothly. In fact, he couldn't remember a time when talking to Irina had felt so easy. They were definitely better suited as friends than lovers.

Munching on his popcorn he felt his thoughts shift to the woman he loved. Stefani. How he had gone so long without realizing who she was as what she was about was astounding. So many years in the darkness and then his world, his bubble had been popped and she had been the breath of fresh air he didn't know he needed to survive. He was forever in awe of her and her talent, not to mention the beauty that radiated from within and every part of his being craved to be in her presence.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts before he could get too lost he realized that Kimmel was starting and she was going to be on soon. When the door opened and she walked out he swore his heart stopped beating for a second. She looked gorgeous, as always, but damn.. That dress.. Or bodysuit.. Or whatever it was, was all he could think about. When she pulled out her Oscar the happiness on her face was evident and he could not be prouder. Watching her and Kimmel interact made him smile, they had a good friendly banter going and it was good to see her so relaxed. Kimmel finally asked the question that this whole thing was based around and Bradley felt himself tense, waiting for her answer.

He wasn't expecting her eyeroll and it brought a deep chuckle from his chest to the forefront. As she went into a spiel about social media he felt himself nodding along in agreement, he did not indulge in the "apps" or "networks" as so many people in the world did. He had seen so many people become obsessed with their social media "personas" and how many likes they had. He wanted to live in the moment, with his friends and family and spend time doing things productive and meaningful. It truly was a toilet bowl. Her explanation for their performance was also true, they saw true emotions, and they saw two characters in love. Two people in love, singing a love song.

When she said"fooled ya" he hoped that it was something people believed for the time being because letting themselves be that comfortable on live television had, admittedly, been a little mistake. Not one that he regretted, because look where he was now, but one that he would probably have prevented. It was just so easy to get lost in her eyes and forget where he was. Even though Jackson was gone he was a big part of Bradley as he knew Ally was to Stef and they would forever bind the two together. Speaking of, watching the trailer for the Encore version of their film had him smiling. He had so much good footage, even more than he had put into this cut that he wanted to share with the world and he couldn't help but feel excited for the fans to see this version.

Stefani ended the interview graciously, accepting the plaque for their album and all of its accomplishments. He would forever be astounded by the continued success of not only the film but the soundtrack. Even though Stef liked to tell people he was a musician, like she just had with Kimmel, he still could not believe that he was number one on the itunes chart for both song and album at the moment. "

Bradley Cooper. Number one album."

He said aloud to himself, testing out how it felt before laughing aloud at himself. Yawning, he knew he should probably get to bed. Opening his phone to send Stef a text he paused, trying to think of what to say. Tomorrow he was going to start the house hunting process and he was hoping that she would come with and that he could see her. Typing he said

"You look more and more beautiful each time I see you, even if it is through a tv screen. I miss you already, what do you think about going house hunting tomorrow with me and Lea if you don't have plans? I don't know how much longer I can go without seeing your face in person."

He knew he sounded cheesy as fuck but he couldn't help himself with her nor did he care to try. He was not afraid to admit his feelings and be sweet to someone he cared about and he hoped she knew how genuine he was being. As his phone pinged quickly in response he smiled, grabbing it as quickly as possible, reading,

"Of course I have plans tomorrow Bradley. They involve helping the cutest two year old in the world and her handsome daddy find the perfect house and cooking them yummy food afterwards. What time do you want me?"

The fact that she was just as cheesy back to him only made him grin more. Making his way to his new bedroom in the guest sweet he replied before tucking himself into bed. Tomorrow could not come quickly enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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