The Rehearsals

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Hellooooooo from someone who hates horror stories and just started watching Gaga's season of American Horror Story for the first time. It's almost 1 am and I'm still here.. awake... no regrets.. but anyways, I wrote this on my phone not sure if I like it or if I'll wake up in the morning and think wtf did you just do😂😂. Probably full of mistakes, I did not revise. Let me know if you see anything I could fix! Hope you like it!

Stefani had had an interesting week at rehearsals. Bradley had been in a unique mood. She had never seen him so open to her, yet hold so much control over himself. When he showed up on Friday afternoon for their first day of Oscars performance rehearsals he had been wearing one of her concert shirts and she did not think she had ever smiled so big in her life. He had immediately swept her into a hug that told her all she needed to know. Their words exchanged over the phone had been true and meaningful. It would not be long until they would both get what they were longing for.

The rehearsals themselves had gone well. Bradley, always the visionary had laid out his idea for how it should go; and she, although not one to relinquish control, trusted him implicitly. Together they planned out magic, everything from the entrance to the wardrobe, lightning, and camera angles were considered. Loosely inspired by their Vegas performance she had watched his eyes light up as he explained how he wanted it to be a simple, yet beautiful, performance. Starting with the music and crew setting up the stage they would then enter from the audience with no cue, the song alone would be introduction enough.

"And I just want the audience to be lit up in this beautiful light that lights everything behind us up in an ambient amber glow!"

He had exclaimed excitedly.

"Stef! It's going to be breathtaking! I can see it!"

And she believed him. She had watched him create the beautiful film she had starred in from scratch and knew how much of a visionary he was. Seeing it in motion with something so personal to her, to them, to this song, made her heart beat faster. She did not know how she could fall any deeper in love with him.

At the end of the first day he had pulled her in close and given her another bone crushing hug full of all the emotions he had been holding in for so long. She had inhaled his scent and realized how comfortable she felt in his arms and how easily she associated it with a feeling of being at home. After some time he had pulled away and instead used both of his hands to cradle her face. Looking her dead in the eyes he had promised

"Stefani. You know how much you mean to me, and I promise, give me till a week after the Oscars and I will have it all figured out. And then I am going to do something I should have done a long time ago."

His gaze lingered for a few long seconds before he'd leant in. Her heart had almost stopped beating in her chest because she thought he was going to finally kiss her but instead he barely touched his lips to her left cheek. Drawing back he left with no words leaving her to caress the spot on her face that was still tingling and try and slow down the rapid beating of her heart.

The rest of the week had passed quickly. It felt almost like old times, spending almost every second together. They would rehearse their piece over and over again, wanting not only to get it right; but to be able to hold each other in their arms the only way they could at the moment.

Lea was an added perk to her week. The young girl had apparently been growing clingy as of late and did not want to go to her play group for the day so instead Bradley would bring her along. Stefani adored Lea and spoiled her nonstop. When rehearsals were done for the day it became Lea time and the three would retire to one home or the other, playing with toys and dress up, watching Disney movies, and cooking dinner together. It felt like a family. More often than not Lea would fall asleep on Stefani and neither would have the heart to move her, instead they'd fall asleep in a heap of bodies and sleep peacefully through the night. Which was how she reached her current situation.

She was overly warm, stuck between two bodies on her bed. Lea was cuddled into her chest, thumb in her mouth and eyes still tightly shut in slumber. Bradley had her arms wrapped tightly around the two of them, keeping them in a warm cocoon. She needed to pee but she did not want to get up and disturb the two of them, nor did she really want to move. She could not remember the last time she felt so content and happy. The two of them made her chest feel like it was about to burst with love.

She frowned slightly thinking this was all about to come to a crashing end soon. And for who knows how long. She was going to be a wreck without them, so quickly becoming used to having a family around at all times. She truly hoped that Bradley was not just toying with her heart strings here, promising things he had no intention of keeping. She cursed herself for letting herself become so attached so quickly.

She shook her head at herself, but let go of her negative thoughts. No, she knew Bradley. And he would not promise something like this to her if he had no intentions of following through. She had seen the intense look in his eyes and knew that this was real. She was going to have her happy ending.

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