The Talk

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Hi! I'm back! Sorry it took me too long to update. My friendddd is here visiting until Wednesday and we are having fun and I actually have a life for once sooo.. (By life I mean us watching a lot of Gaga videos:P) We went and saw A Star is Born Encore yesterday (it was my 13th time seeing it.. we wore our Ally shirts!) and I cried again... Anyways, enjoy this talk. As always let me know if you see any mistakes.


The next day Bradley woke up in his house in California, having flown back from New York. He blinked a few times to try and wake up his mind and realized that Irina must have let him sleep in because he could see the afternoon sun rays peeking in from underneath the curtains. Looking at his phone he realized that it was a little after one and he would have to leave in a couple hours for rehearsals. Rolling out of bed he stretched and headed for the bathroom, taking a quick shower before getting ready for the day. He spent a lot of time debating what to wear, not wanting to look sloppy, but knowing that he couldn't go too dressy either; after all, it was only rehearsal. He decided to wear his Enigma shirt from her show in vegas because he knew it would make her smile and put on a pair of black jeans and his leather jacket.

Going down stairs he spotted his mom sitting at the counter. He leant down and kissed her cheek.

"Morning... well, afternoon mom."

He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hi Bradley."

She said laughingly. He saw her raise an eyebrow at his choice of apparel but choose not to comment on it.

"Did you sleep okay?"

She asked him instead. Bradley could feel a blush creep up his cheeks. Sleep well.. That was an understatement. He had dreamt of Stefani all night and that never failed to leave him well rested.

"Yeah, I was out like a light as soon as I got home. Where are Irina and Lea?"

He watched as her eyebrows raised even further on her face, presumably at the blush that he could still feel heating his cheeks and in return felt the redness deepen further. She had always been able to read every emotion on his face and probably knew that something was up.

"Irina was bringing Lea to playgroup before leaving for the airport."

She paused reading the questioning look on his face before continuing,

"Remember? She's off to London for fashion week today. Is there something you want to talk to me about Bradley? Irina couldn't seem to wait to get out the door this morning, I have never seen her rush to be out of this house so quickly."

Bradley sighed, he knew she wouldn't keep her thoughts to herself, she was never one to stay quiet, and he loved that he could talk to her about anything but his marital problems should not be her problems too. As he moved to the fridge to pull out some makings for breakfast he chose how to respond. Sighing and running his fingers through his hair he turned to face her again and decided the truth was the best.


He said heavily, not looking her in the eye, instead staring at the floor with slightly watery eyes. It hurt to admit this.

"I don't think I love her anymore."

Following his statement he took in a deep breath and exhaled strongly. He had not yet admitted that to himself yet and it felt relieving yet worrying at the same time to say it. But it was the truth. He had been grappling with it for over a year. And there was a part of him that would always love a part of her, she was the mother of his child for god's sake, but he was not in love with her anymore. And he was pretty sure the feelings were mutual. The only thing holding them together anymore was Lea, she was all they talked about and the only time they were together was when they both needed to be there for something important for her.

In fact, if he thought about it, they were basically already single parents. Each of their schedules demanded so much from them that they traded off parental duties and only came together when Lea needed it or for work appearances together. He could not remember the last time they had spent time just the two of them, or the last time he had wanted to. He probably could not name one new thing about her and he knew she was the same with him. They were essentially strangers who had been sleeping in bed next to each other and occasionally having sex for the past two years.

He shook himself out of his thoughts and dared to glance up at his mom. Waiting for her reaction to his admittance.

"I know."

Was all she said.


Bradley started to question her before she interrupted.

"You are never together anymore, I see more of the two of you than you see of each other. You never smile in each other's presence unless you are reacting to something Lea has done or said, and both of you spend more time "at work,"

She put her hands up and did air quotes around the words

"Than at home. I know you Bradley, I raised you, and I know that there is someone else who holds your heart. Now what are you going to do about it?"

He stared at her for a few seconds, wondering how she always managed to stun him with her reaction to important moments in his life.

"I don't know. I need to talk to Irina when she gets home.. That has not happened in a long time and it needs to. I think we both have realizations to make and decide what's best for Lea. But first of all I need to make breakfast and get to rehearsals."

He turned to the stove and cracked an egg onto a pan for his breakfast sandwich. Hearing his mom sigh he turned back around.

"Just promise me one thing hun?"

She said. Bradley waited for her to continue.

"Don't wait too long or you will lose your soulmate."

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