Prologue - Fairies Become A Fairytale

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1500 A.E.


After Elsdon's death, Baldwin took his time to mobilise his armies in the North and find allies in the other elf kingdoms. Westwind was the only other house that joined Northwind in their quest; killing all fairies to avenge Elsdon. Together they formed a new region, The Wind.

Baldwin trusted Orion, the king of Westwind, with the truth. He knew Orion since his coronation of The Westwind King in 1337 A.E., their history went back for ages and therefore, Baldwin saw Orion as his second-in-command. Orion himself didn't really care about Baldwin's true plans as long he could have some of these powerful crystals for his own needs along with a few other things he had on his mind. And so, the war against the fairies began.

Highland was the only region that stood up for the fairies and didn't believe Baldwin's words. The young king of Highland, Avalon, tried everything in his power to save as many of the fairies as he could and stop the Northern and Western elf-soldiers from doing this genocide.

Avalon asked High Moon to join him to fight against Baldwin and The Wind, but High Moon never replied back. They stayed away from the war by closing all gates to their lands and sealing their homebase with a shield. The future of the fairies was left in the hands of Highland.

You would think that the fairies fought to protect themselves, and they did but compared to the cruelty that the elves had in store, it seemed like the fairies were useless against them. They weren't trained in war, they were trained to protect nature and not to destroy it.

However, it was a manslaughter on both sides. Many elves lost their lives in the field. Mostly, the fairies and the Highlanders ended up wounded in this war, with eventually, losing their own life. The armies of The Wind were too powerful with their excellent soldiers who had been trained for wars since they were just children. After all, the North and West were known for their victories during the War of Kings.

Baldwin wasn't satisfied enough. Yes, he was winning The Fairy War but Highland was still in his way. Because of that, with help of new ancient script-rolls he had conquered, Baldwin was working on a new kind of weapon he could use against Linkers; elves and fairies who have a link with a Mother Tree.

This horrifying weapon sent out a signal that corrupts the link between a Linker and their Mother Tree. If a Linker stayed too long in this signal, their link could be broken.

Baldwin called it 'The Breaker', living up to its purpose.


Meanwhile, Bishop figured out what the script-rolls were saying. He knew the truth. Bishop tried to talk Baldwin out of this war that they had been doing for all the wrong reasons, but it didn't work. Baldwin threw him into the dungeons.

Baldwin knew he couldn't just kill Bishop The Wise, he was too wise to kill him off. His skills were needed for after the war, Baldwin thought.

Instead of killing Bishop, Baldwin used The Breaker on him to see if the new weapon indeed worked as it should. After several attempts, it had broken Bishop's link. He could never use his powers again. While Bishop feared for The Dark King, Baldwin laughed of joy.

"This will defeat Highland and the fairies in no time."


And so he did, there were no fairies left in Eviona. Fairies became a fairytale. And for Eviona herself?

Eviona lost her magical beauty she was known for. The kingdom of Eviona stopped living in harmony and peace. Birds stopped singing in the northern woods. Horses stopped running around in the landscapes of Eviona. Fishes stopped dancing in the southern seas. The landscapes of Eviona turned dead were The Wind had destroyed nature. It was broken, rotten and weak. Nature turned against them. And for Highland?

They were about to be finished but then all the sudden, The Breaker's signal had stopped.

Bishop had escaped the dungeons, he took out the few guards that were protecting the weapon to save his fellow elves in the east of Eviona. Bishop destroyed The Breaker with everything he got.

Baldwin was furious when he figured that the signal had stopped by an escaped prisoner. Followed by soldiers, Baldwin walked into the weapon room and saw his glorious weapon broken.


"Find him!" yelled Baldwin in anger as he held the broken pieces of The Breaker in his hands. "Find Bishop! Now!"

Lucky, Bishop still had enough time to burn the script-rolls about 'The Breaker' before they were able to grab him.

"You betrayed Northwind!" said Baldwin as he saw Bishop in front of him, being held by the elf-soldiers.

"You did, Baldwin. Go ahead, kill me!" shouted Bishop back. "But I know the truth! You manipulated all of us! I knew Elsdon couldn't be killed by the fairies! You played us!"

Baldwin grabbed Bishop by his neck. He was ready to die and join his dear friend and true king, Elsdon The Victorious, in the afterlife.

Baldwin whispered in his ears, "Dead will be too good for you, Bishop. You may rot in the dungeons for the rest of your pathetic life."

Baldwin pushed him on the ground. The elf-soldiers lifted up Bishop, held him and then punched him hard in his stomach.

"Highland will die one way or another. You can't save them," said Baldwin angry. "Get him out of my eyes!"


Only, Baldwin didn't know that this had changed everything for the remaining elves of the east. Highland would survive. The moment when the signal had been stopped, they fought back with everything they got to defeat The Wind. Avalon and his elves overmastered the few armies Baldwin had sent to finish them off. Highland was saved.

However, Avalon knew this could not be the end between them. He knew Baldwin would plan his revenge. He knew they would come back to finish them off once and for all. But the next time...

"Highland will be ready. I will be ready.."


Author Note

If you enjoyed this part, please do comment & vote, I love interacting with readers! ♡


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