You watched with morbid fascination as people started to shout and throw what seemed to be potatoes. You tried to process what is happening but it was a lot to take in. You sat down with a thud on the grass and idly watched as everything escalated even more.
"Hi there," someone said behind you and you turned to face them and see who it is.
"Oh uh hello" you replied absently..
"You must be new there, huh?" They chuckled "If you want I can show you around." They raised an eyebrow and waited for your answer.
You bites your bottom lip and weighed your options; one on hand you could learn what's going on but on the other hand you don't know this person and they could easily device you.
"If you don't want me to show you I can always go away and not bother you" They said as they turned around to make their way to what looked as the main battlefield.
"WAIT!" You shouted after them as you rouse from the ground and walked quickly after them.
"Hm?" They looked at you and gave you a big grin that had a predatory glint to it, " I guess it's time to show you around"
They extended their hand towards you and you cautiously took it. They smiled gently at your hesitation.
After short pause they tugged you toward the main battlefield, but they paused and turned around to looked at you.
"Do you know how to text or how to show your profile?" Upon seeing your hesitation they rolled their eyes," of course you don't know you just got there what was I expecting"
"Alright kiddo listen up this is your profile," they extended their arm and tapped their wirst twice; a hologram suddenly showed up in front of your face.
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"Your profile shows your rank, name and avatar," They pointed at each thing as they named them,"your XP increases as you talk and text more in the chat and it also increases your rank, so in big shortcut XP = Rank. The green dot you see on my avatar shows if you are amiable or no, you can change it when you leave the server"
"And how do you text in here?" You asked curiously, all of it sounded interesting and even if it was confusing you could get the gits of it.
"I was getting to that," they lowered their arm and reached to her pocket and took at what looked like a piece or rectangular cardboard, " this is your key board where you write what you want to say in the chat and it appears so people can read it"
"Wait so they can't hear me if I speak to them?" You asked with confusion written all over your face, after all they could hear you, right?
"Ahh that," they whispered something but you couldn't hear what, " think of that as private chatting or messaging whatever you prefer.
Coming back to what I was trying to say earlier. Just type what you want to say and it will appear in the chat for everyone to see." They typed up something and send it, on the battlefield someone turned around to face us and waved at the Person.
"See?" They said as they smiled and waved back at the person, "Now go and play nice" They pushed me towards the battlefield whilst they sprinted there wilst texting simultaneously.
You decided to see if you survive and follow them.