08. 0SCORP

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IT DIDN'T TAKE A ROCKET SCIENTIST to notice that something was off with Peter. After lunch, Peter and [Y/N] didn't talk for the rest of the day. Even during decathlon practice, Peter tried his best to ignore her.

He didn't like ignoring her but he also didn't like the way she was making him feel. He was confused to say the least. Sure, he'd known that he was falling for his best friend for ages but now things felt wrong. Some part of him almost felt used. [Y/N] only slept with him to gain experience, not because she wanted to sleep with him. It annoyed him that this bothered him so much — that was the freaking agreement!

Anyways, the next day rolled around quickly and before he knew it, he was lining up to get on the bus. He'd borrowed some of his aunts makeup in an attempt to cover the mark Todd and Chad had left on his face. He was still in plenty of pain but it was slightly less unbearable now.

"Morning Peter," Mr Harrington, one of the teachers supervising the trip, said to him in his usual airy manner. The teacher looked up from his clipboard and his eyes squinted as he looked at Peters face, "are you wearing makeup?" He asked. Before Peter could respond, he continued, "you know makeup is against the school dress code, please wipe it off before we get to Oscorp."

Peter nodded before climbing on the bus. On one seat, he saw [Y/N] sitting next to the window, the seat next to her vacant. Ned was sitting in another seat, Peter hesitated before shuffling over to Ned.

"Hey man." Peter mumbled as he slumped down beside his best friend.

Ned shut his phone of and turned to Peter, a fake smile plastered across his face. "Oh hey." Peter cocked his head but didn't comment, he had an idea of what was bothering Ned.

"Wanna play Super Mario Bros?" Peter asked him, pulling two old DS Lights out of his school bag.

Neds grin became genuine and he grabbed the white DS from Peter. "Wow, you still have this?" He asked, trying to remember how to turn it on — it was the switch on the side, right?

Peter nodded, grabbing the cartridges out of his bag and handing one to Ned. "Of course! What idiot would throw these bad boys out?"

From her seat in the bus, [Y/N] craned her neck to see Peter better. Why hadn't he sat with her? They always sat together on trips. She sighed as she slumped into her chair. "Can I sit here or will Peter cry?" Michelle asked, standing over [Y/N].

[Y/N] shrugged. "Go for it. Peter would obviously rather go play his dumpster DS's with Ned." She said bitterly, pointing to the two laughing as the attempted to destroy each other at Super Mario.

Michelle sat down and sighed, "lovers quarrel, huh? That sucks."

[Y/N] raised her eyebrows. "You know me and Peter aren't—"

Michelle laughed, "chill. I know you guys aren't, I was kidding."

"Right. I knew that."


After an hour of driving through New York, the school bus pulled up in front of a big sky scraper. It was no Stark Industries but it sure was something. Oscorp was stuck to the side of the building in big green letters.

[Y/N] felt so excited to go inside and look around. "Michelle, walk faster." She groaned as they climbed out of the bus.

"Calm your farm." Michelle sighed as she jumped over the last step out of the bus.

[Y/N] stared up at the tall, dark building in awe. She tried to imagine herself working at a place like this. "Alright guys, stay together and don't wander off into any restricted areas — we don't want any mutants now, do we?" Mr Harrington said to them as they began climbing the front steps.

Peter and Ned stood at the back of the group as Peter didn't want to get in anyone's way with his limp. He looked around the room as they entered — he had to admit, it was pretty cool. "Dude..." Ned elbowed him in the ribs and pointed towards two scientists working on some sort of machine inside a glass room.

A lady called Gwen showed them around, Peter thought she was really pretty though, nobody could compare to [Y/N]. "What's in there?" Flash asked, pointing to a glass case in the centre of the room.

Gwen smiled. "Ah, well it's actually classified information but what I can say is that I hope nobody here is arachnophobic." Her smile faded as she had a better look inside the glass — the spider was gone!

"Crap." She mumbled under her breath, she began frantically looking around the room in hopes that the spider would just come to her. She was so fired.

Peter was just staring into the glass that was supposed to contain... well, a spider he assumed. Suddenly, he felt a stinging sensation on the top of his hand — like he needed any more physical pain. He looked down at and saw a small red and black spider sinking its teeth into him.

His eyes were wide as he quickly squashed the spider. He tried to ignore the dizzy sensation that was creeping over him. "Are you okay, you look kinda pale." Ned asked him, his brows furrowed in worry.

"Yeah, I'm good." Peter replied breathlessly, leaning on Ned's shoulder for support. "Let's catch up with everyone, yeah?"


WRITTEN 09/07/19
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p.s. ahhhhh so that happened. finally i can start writing this story again. no more editing my really bad writing (for now anyways).

i should just rename this part Karla Tries To Remember The Amazing Spider-Man Even Though She Hasn't Seen It Since 2014.

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