You're Not A Northerner

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    "What do you want." She snapped, staring him down. He looked up. She tried to work out his expression. It was a concentrated look, sad and yet, there was a glimmer of excitement. It was like he had seen a perfect world and then watched it burn, she thought.
    "To ask you something." He said. Arya blinked. His voice was so calm and smooth, like silk on a sword. He sounded highborn, but not from the North.
    "You're not a Northerner." Arya said, dismissively.
    "No. I have travelled a long way."
    "What, to ask me a question?" She seemed angry. The boy looked down.
"Fine. What is it?"
    "Only if you promise not to kill me."
    "And why would I do that?" Arya questioned, impatiently.
    "I know you." Arya fixed him with an icy stare.
"No one knows me."
"I'm sorry. I know to travel alone, but—" He suddenly seemed embarrassed. "I only meant. If you are travelling to Winterfell that—"
    "Why would I be going there?" She said, raising an eyebrow.
    "Well." He paused, "Jon Snow's there." Arya looked at him, she did not want to give anything about her away, she felt as though he already knew too much but she could not tell.
    "And I suppose you want to ask to travel with me." The boy's eyes lit up and the hint of a smile formed, not a cold smile, just a happy one. "Well I refuse." She said sharply. The smile vanished into a deep sadness.
"But—" He started, Arya was irritated,
"You might kill me in my sleep." She said, and thought about walking away.
    "Trust me, it's far more likely that you will kill me." He stared at her. Into her, almost. But then blinked and said, "I have always wanted to travel north and I noticed you glancing up the Northern Road so I thought—"
    "Fine. You can come." Arya said quickly, cutting him off again. He smiled up at her, that warm smile. A smile she had not seen since—doesn't matter. She thought. He stood up. Something about him intrigued her, she looked around. "Have you got a horse?"
    "No. But If you will allow it, I'll walk beside you."
    "What so you can protect me?" Arya said with a hint of distain.
    "Actually, I was rather hoping it would be the other way round." The boy replied slightly nervously.
    "Do you not know how to fight?" Arya asked as she looked him up and down. She was beginning to regret her decision. His head tilted towards the floor but his eyes stayed fixed on hers. The corner of his mouth lifted.
    "Of course I do. But I can clearly see you are capable enough." Arya held back a smile. At least there was someone who didn't just assume by looking at her that she couldn't do anything.
"Yes, I am. And I'm probably better than you." She said feeling confident, putting her hand on Needle's hilt.
"Is that so?" The boy lifted an eyebrow . "Well then, you must be truly the best."
"You clearly don't think very highly of yourself." She said sarcastically, raising both of her eyebrows up toward him. He laughingly bowed.
"I am glad to be under your protection."
"Shut up." Arya rolled her eyes, "Winter will be over by the time we've set off." She walked back over to her horse and looked down the frosted forest path. The sun was shining thought the trees creating twisted shadows on the ground. She looked back round to see the boy walking up to her. And for the first time in a long time, she smiled.

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