Upstairs And On The Right

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Guilt laced Arya's heart as she stared at the ever changing ground laid out in front of her. Not sadness, but guilt. She wished she had been able to do something. She was annoyed at herself. I have trained for years, she thought, how could I let that happen? This was the first person who had ever been genuine and kind towards me for no personal reasons of their own that I could see and I've thrown them away forever. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted.
"We'll stop in 'ere." One of the men said, pointing out wooden building about 50 meters ahead of them with a sign that read 'The Hangman's Noose'. "Iss the only place round 'ere." The man said, turning to Arya. She stared at him coldly. He had baggy brown trousers and a black hooded cloak. He looked tired and had a heavy walk. She tried to take in as much information as she could. Knowledge is as good a weapon as any, she thought. One of the other men then spoke.
"What, you got money to stay there?" He was skinny and wore a faded blue shirt.
"Nah, I ain't got money," the black hooded one said, he looked back at Arya and gave her a toothy grin, "But she 'as. In 'er bag. 15 gold dragons, can ya believe it! That's more than plen'y for a night 'ere for all of us." The others grinned the same grin and glanced at Arya. Arya knew that look all too well. What are their weaknesses. She thought as she walked. How am I going to escape? I can't let them do...whatever they're going to do with me. Arya's mind raced as they trudged up the snowy path. The men all chatted and laughed about their luck as they came to the dark ebony door.
They opened it with a creak and the black hooded man shoved Arya through. At first she was hit by the warmth of a fire and the smell of ale. Her arms felt stiff from the ropes binding them together. It was fairly quiet, only three other people are here, she thought to herself. The man in blue walked over to the barman.
"Some ale and a room." He slid over 7 of the coins. The barman looked over at the rest of them.
"Upstairs and on the right." He said, taking the coins and winking. "I'll just get the ale." He turned to the taps on his barrels.
"I'm taking this one upstairs." The hooded man turned and said to the others, grabbing Arya's arm and leading her away. Arya clenched her jaw but went with him. Her thoughts were tripping over each other as her boots walked up each stair with a reluctant clomp. The man gripped her firmly as he practically flung her into the room.
"Right then." He said, taking off his cloak, revealing a pale green shirt. Arya tried to avert her eyes but something in the candlelight glinted, a small dagger wedged into his belt by his waist. Her mind ticked, Arya knew what to do.
"Wait!" She said suddenly, "Aren't you going to untie me first?" The man stopped.
"Why?" He said, narrowing his gaze.
"'s not as good?" Arya stumbled. She hoped it would work.
"Whatever you say." Said the man, who began untying her. Phew. She thought, just as well all men are stupid when they want a woman.
As soon as the ropes were gone she snatched the dagger and stabbed the man in the chest. He stumbled back clutching his wound and cried out so she slit his throat and he collapsed in a heap. She hoped she had done it before anyone would notice that those were not cries of bliss. She stood over the man and looked down at him as the wooden floorboards beneath him were drowned in dark red.
That's for Jaek, she thought, as she bent down holding the dagger and slowly placing the blade on his forehead.

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