Valar Morghulis

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The man's heavy footsteps creaked as he walked downstairs. His black hood turned and his dark eyes darted around as he
went to join the rest of his company who were drinking happily at a table near the back.
      "Ah look, the triumphant returns!" The man in blue said, raising his tankard. The others did the same and cheered. One of the other men, who was wearing a brown cloak, slapped the hooded man on the back as he sat down and took a swig of his drink.
      "What are we planning next then?" The hooded man asked quietly.
      "Not sure." The man in blue replied, I've heard everyone's either heading North or South."
      "Heard there'll be a battle at Winterfell, people are either joining it or running from it." Another of the men interjected.
      "They say that's why the Dragon Queen is traveling there as we speak."
      "Some say that's not the only reason." The man in blue jested. "I heard from some folks at the harbour that Ned Stark's bastard is the reason she's heading North." The hooded man ground his teeth.
      "What d'yu mean?" He asked.
      "Young love!" The man in blue jeered. "I reckon the boat was definitely rocking!" They all laughed except for the hooded man.
      "Where's the girl's sword?" He asked, eying them all.
      "I have it." The man in brown said.
      "Give it to me." The hooded man snapped, holding out his weathered hand with expectancy. The man in brown sighed but unstrapped it from his waist and thrust it in the hooded man's direction. He grasped the sword and carefully laid it on the table with the hilt pointing towards him. He slid his fingers over its pommel, staring at the ornate details imprinted in gold.
      "You alright?" The man in blue questioned. His gaze becoming more hostile.
      "She wear you down?" The man in brown said, darting his eyes up and tilting his head in the direction of the stairs. They snickered to one another.
      "Dead." The hooded man said coldly. They became silent. They stared at him with bewildered looks.
      "You killed 'er?" The man in brown fumed.
      "No." The hooded man replied in a darkened tone. "She killed me." Horror and confusion plastered their faces. As they glanced at one another and then back to the hooded man. "You left a boy to die." He spoke again, "You stole a girl to rape. What more did you think you could do before you were stopped?"
      "I don't understand." The man in brown said.
      "And you never will." He replied, quickly pulling the sword from the table and plunging it into the man's heart. His eyes widened as he clasped the hole in his chest. He slumped and his head whacked the table as he became still and cold. The other two men abruptly stood up, but the hooded man was quicker. One man grabbed for his knife but the hooded man pounced and slashed at his neck with the top of the sword drawing a perfect red line across his throat. He crumpled to the floor, coughing and retching until there was only silence. The hooded man turned to the man in blue and gave him a murderous stare.
      "This is madness." The man in blue breathed, slowly shaking his head.
      "Not madness. Vengeance." He rebuffed in a whisper-like tone. And as he said it, he skewered him too. The man in blue fell to his knees, still staring at the hooded man until he too, collapsed in a heap.
      The other people in the Inn were now breathless, watching with terror as this hooded figure cut down three men in front of them.
      "W-Who are you?" The barman stammered from behind the counter. The hooded man sheathed his sword and turned to face him.
      "No One." He said as he latched his fingers under his chin and began to peel away his very skin. People's mouths opened with fright at this terrifying sight. He had now peeled off the entire of his face, revealing two stony eyes staring back at them all.
      "H-How?" The barman gulped as he slowly shuffled further and further back.
      "Valar morghulis." Arya said as she walked out.

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