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Gif credit: jiminiminii.tumblr.com

Hi guys! I think I'm doing an oopsie by uploading my third joon fic in a row but oH WELL I've got a good supply of them so why not share, right?😏😏😏 I hope you like this one! :)


You're starting to think Namjoon has forgotten the meaning of 'careful'. Those texts that almost tipped Yari off about the two of you? Yeah, he hasn't stopped sending them, or even toned it down in any sense of the word – he's quite honestly made you work harder on your poker face than ever before.

But he's really pushing his luck tonight.

You're on a once-in-a-blue-moon company dinner, the night before the group's short work trip to Japan. The entire team is seated at the enormously long tables the restaurant has arranged for you, with you and Namjoon as far away from each other as possible – as you decided earlier today. Of course, that doesn't stop him from reaching out to you.


[20:33] Babeeee

[20:35] BABE

[20:36] Yes, BABEEEE?

[20:38] You're so prettyyyy

[20:38] :((

[20:40] I thought you'd be happy with that :((((

[20:42] I am!!

[20:43] This is a face of extreme happiness

[20:43] So prettyyyyy :((

[20:43] See?

You put your phone down, suppressing a laugh, your eyes involuntarily drifting over to where he's seated. When he catches you looking, he pouts at you and mimes a tear rolling down his cheek. It makes you snort, and you quickly look away before you burst out in full-on laughter – but you've already brought yourself in danger.

"Y/N!" shouts Yari from beside you, hitting the table with her palm. Her cheeks are rosy from the drinks she's already had and you know that her voice will only get louder than it already is, will she continue drinking at this pace. "What the hell is going on with you?"

Her question pulls the attention of a few of the coworkers sitting around you, who briefly pause their conversation to look over at you. Your eyes widen as you turn to her, feeling your cheeks heat up as you feel your coworkers' eyes pricking in your back. "What?" you inquire, trying to stay calm.

"You keep grinning at your phone like you're looking at the answer to the universe!" she exclaims leaning forward in an attempt to reach for your phone. "What the hell are you doing on there?"

You swipe the device off the table before she can grab it, your composure starting to fade. She doesn't know it's Namjoon. Come on, you can talk your way out of this. Think of something. "I uh..."

"I accidentally sent her this double chin picture and I told her not to show anyone," Jimin says from two seats over, somehow having heard your plight through his own conversation. Or perhaps Yari's voice tipped him off.

You glance at him and he nods encouragingly, eyes quickly darting to your phone before he looks back at you, throwing back a shot of soju.

"I call bullshit!" Yari shouts in the meantime, once again hitting her palm on the table. "That's the smile you get when you're talking to a guy," she says, pointing at you with an empty shot glass, eyes narrowed as they peer into yours. "Who are you talking to, Y/N?"

Your eyes widen even more and you force a laugh, looking away, desperately hoping that you understood Jimin's gestures right, or you'll be fucked. "I was talking to a guy!" you defend, unlocking your phone. Your heart skips a beat when you see that, indeed, Jimin has sent you a picture of his best double-chin face, followed by a text pleading you not to show anyone this 'accident'. "See?" you exclaim, proudly turning your screen to her, which gets you an offended gasp from Jimin, along with a weak flick at your hair.

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