The Beginning

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Alina Thomas, a name with a pretty face, that's what I thought as it popped up on the suggestions section of instagram...a reluctant follow request not exactly sure if she'd accept; but she did...and sent one back. A conversation I started with reluctance; but she spoke back; with no air of attitude that I presumed she would have judging by her pictures (Lesson learn't: don't judge a book by its cover). An absolutely casual conversation, covering the usual Q & As

Where you from?

Where do you study?

What do you study?

We should meet...

"We should meet"; we both agreed to meet the next day, by the tree near the canteen. Neither of us showed I said, a casual conversation neither of us took the meeting part seriously. I saw her a couple of times...But again...Things to do, places to be...and she texted saying she saw me on the staircase but she couldn't say hi as she was in a hurry; So I said that the next time I saw her I'd just say hi.

A few days later, As I made my way back from the ritualistic sutta, I see a face, familiar only from photos and she was smiling and she came running up to me with her arms wide open and we embraced, and I told her;"Sorry I smell like smoke"; and she laughed.........

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