Chapter 29

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I walk into the spare room. It looks way to fancy for a spare room though. The queen size bed is in the back right corner, covered with a blue and black doona and matching pillow cases. There is a desk on the left hand side in the back, with a few books neatly stacked in the bookshelf above. I take a seat on the desk chair, and pull out my math homework. I put my earphones in and press play on my phone, and it started with a Simple Plan song (above). Within minutes I am so focused on my work, I don't notice the person standing right behind me.


I brush my teeth and take a piss before going to my room (I know where your mind was going last chapter you fiIthy pig 🐷 😂). I walk in, expecting Yuuri to be spinning in my chair, or worse, wearing that stupid onezy. But my room is empty. I walk back out to the kitchen, and even the lounge room, but he is nowhere to be seen.

"Have you seen Yuuri anywhere?" I ask Mum, walking back to the kitchen after trying the lounge room.

"No,'' She says, "but have you tried the spare room? He might be in there."

"Ok." I walk down the corridor and push open the door to the spare room, and sure enough, Yuuri is sitting there, earphones in and his blue framed glasses on, doing homework. I stand there for a few minutes, waiting to see if he noticed me. But after no response; I walk closer, creeping up until I'm standing right behind him, almost breathing down his neck. But he still doesn't notice me. I watch his pen scrawl across the page, his neat, evenly spaced numbers and words set out so it can be read easily. I smiled, knowing he would probably shoot me if he saw my book, the illegible, cramped words looked similar to an overcrowded soccer stand (It's soccer, not football. You can fucking fight me.) I snap out of my moment, and go back to focusing on giving a heart attack to Yuuri; but at the last second he turns his head and looks up at me. His glasses made him look so cute, and it makes my cheeks turn red.

"You know I knew you were there the whole time. Right?"

"Of course, that's why I was totally not gonna give you a heart attack." I say sarcastically.

"Thought so," he smiles, "so, what do you want?"

"A lot of things that I will probably never get."

"Ha ha. Like what exactly?"

"I dunno."

Yuuri sighs and looks down to his phone to pause the music.

"You can be very difficult. It's annoying," he says irritably. I go to say sorry, but am stopped by the next 4 words. ", but it's also cute." 

I can feel my face burning like the sun, he's just to kind.

"You're cute as well," I add.

"I- How!? Stop lying before you go to hell,'' he stammers. Now it is his turn to go red.

"I'm not lying. Everything about you is cute. The way you write, your laugh, your big chocolate eyes- which are even cuter with your glasses – even your butt is cute." I grin. His face is now bright red and he looks down to the ground, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

Yuuri POV

His words make my face heat up. I look down, seeing a bulge start to form.... again. I feel something warm against my cheek and I look up. A pair of soft lips presses gently into mine. When we separate, he only pulls his face away enough so that our noses touch, I open my eyes slowly, and when I do, I'm staring into a pair of ocean blue eyes.

"I just wanted to make sure you knew that I love you." He whispers, letting his Russian accent come out thicker.

"I do." I whisper, before we lean in and share another kiss, slightly more heated than the first. I pull back from the kiss and stand up, turning back around to face Victor. I lean my body into his and rap my arms around his waist, before giving him another kiss. He raps one of his arms around me, the other placed gently on my neck, thumb next to our lips. The kisses continue, getting more heated as time passes; before I know it, I'm lying on the bed, Victor one leg kneeling on the bed, the other still standing, both looking at each other to see who will make the first move.


I'm looking down at Yuuri as I feel an urge come over me. I suddenly feel I need to make him mine. Slowly, I work away from his mouth and across his face to the bottom of his ear and neck. I pull and nibble at his ear gently, and within seconds I hear a hum in his throat. I move my lips down the side of his neck. I bite down gently and when I pull away, scarlet red marks are what's left behind. I do the same to the front and other side of his neck, turning the entirety of his neck red. The whole time, he's combing my hair through his small delicate fingers. I move back to his lips. We kiss for a few minutes longer before I decide to make the next move. Slowly, I move my hand down and up into his shirt, gently sliding my hand on his hip and towards the elastic of his pants. His body suddenly becomes ridged and I feel him shift away slightly and stop running his hands through my hair. I pull my hand from his shirt and lift my head, pulling away from his lips.                                                  

"Sorry." He whispers, his brown eyes filling with awkwardness and embarrassment.

"You don't need to be sorry, I pushed too far." I say gently.

"I-I just don't want to do it here, and ruin your parents hospitality or get you in trouble."

"I understand."

"I want to be somewhere private when we do this, and when school isn't stressing us out."

"I agree." I say, and kiss him on the lips, leaving him with a big smile.

YUURI'S  POV       

After he kisses me, my smile fades and I divert my gaze from his.

"What's wrong?" he asks the second he notices.

"I feel bad,"

"Why? You've done nothing wrong," he says, sitting up on the bed properly now.

"I just feel bad that I made you stop." I say, sitting up next to him. I feel terrible for the real reason I wanted him to stop; I didn't want to scare Victor away with my scarred body. But I hide my sadness and stick with my original plan.

Victor grabs my hands in his and looks me dead in the eye. "Would you have enjoyed it if I ignored you and kept going?"

"I don't know; probably not really." I answer. 'I would of loved to keep going, but you know I probably would have been kicked outta of your house from when you see my body' I think.

"See you've done nothing wrong. You didn't want to, and so I stopped. We've got to both be happy about moving on. OK?"

I smile and give him a small nod, and he plants another kiss on my lips before saying;

"Good. Well, I'm going to bed, but if you need anything, just wake me up. OK?"

"OK. Goodnight, Vicky." I laugh. I see his face go bright red as he leaves.

Victor walks out the door, shutting it gently behind him and suddenly I'm left alone. I realise how tired I actually am and check the time on my phone. It's only 9:30. I walk to the bathroom, do my business, and walk back to my bedroom where a warm and comfortable bed awaits me.

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