Chapter 2

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  "Liya! Liya! Wake up!" I looked over at the clock seeing it was 3:08 a.m.

  "Man! What the fuck you want?! It's fucking 3 a.m.! This better be good Bieber!"

  "It is I promise. My step-mom is going into labor!" I sat up quickly, rubbing my eyes.

   The sparkle in his eyes was something I had never seen before. His eyes had this twinkle of happiness that seemed contagious, because I couldn't help but smile when I saw them. I immediately jumped out of bed not caring I was only in a tank top and panties. I slipped on my jeans and some flip flops. I quickly grabbed Justin's sweatshirt that he always leaves over my house. It's the end of September, so where I live it's kind of chilly this time of night. I wear the sweatshirt all the time so I know he doesn't care. 

   He ran out of my door and suddenly, I heard his footsteps stop. I thought something was wrong until I saw him bent over at the top of the stairs. "Hop on." I didn't bother to object and just hopped on his back. I laughed giddily as he skipped downstairs. If you're wondering, no I don't have any parents to worry about but I'll explain that later. 

   We hopped in Justin's white mustang as he sped off to the hospital. See, we're all like one big family. I feel like Justin's sister most times. Which would mean I have a crush on my brother. Okay no that's definitely not what I mean. I just love him in a way that is indescribable. I just feel so close like we're one. I just wish he felt the same.  

   "I'm so excited!" I said looking over at him. I think I was a little too excited. Maybe even more excited than him. "I know me too!" He said dragging out his last word, bouncing up and down. Okay maybe not. I thought to myself. I let out a small chuckle at us being silly.

   Soon we were at the hospital, which made me a little uncomfortable. I shook the nervousness off and tried to focus on what was going on. Erin had an Emergency C- Section and was in recovery while Jeremy was in the room with the baby according to Justin's text. Justin was currently frowning at his phone and looking around every few minutes. "Everything okay?'

  "Yeah, I'm just nervous." A look of relief washed over his face. "Oh" He sighed dragging out the word. "The room's right here. C'mon." He put his arms around my shoulder, making me feel warm all over. "I followed him in where Erin lay unconscious –or just sleeping- in the hospital bed. 

   Jeremy sat in the chair beside the bed, white as a ghost. I don't see the baby. Or that happy glow that should be on the father's face. Oh, no. I thought. Something must be wrong. Justin put his hands down by his sides and sucked in a breath, so did I. "Is everything okay?" He asked a little shakily. "Actually no, my phone's dead." "Oh." I sighed in relief as Justin let out a breath and showed a small smile. "Well where's –"Apparently, Jeremy wasn't finished as he cut Justin off.

  "He's in the NICU. When Erin went to get her C- Section, she lost a lot of blood during the surgery. Like a lot. And Christian was still inside her, umbilical cord still attached, and he lost a critical amount of oxygen in his blood stream. They hooked him up to breathing tubes where he'll stay until he recovers. It could be days, or even weeks." "Excuse me." Justin said as he pushed passed me.

    I know this is especially hard on him, because I know his family always comes first. I didn't follow him. I knew he needed his time alone. A nurse came in minutes later, wearing purple scrubs. I was worried about them, like I said, they're like my family. I was worried about Justin because he takes his family very seriously. He is probably out there worrying himself sick. But here I am, worrying about him. But I couldn't help it. Not only did I worry about Justin, But also about poor baby Christian. 

   Jeremy looked up with hopeful eyes. "So?" He blurted out, not being able to contain his anxiousness. The nurse explained what had happened, which was basically everything we already knew. But, she also said that in the next few days, Christian could be released. 

   "But what about Erin?" I blurt out. Margaret, which I learned her name was, looked at me with soft eyes. "She can hear you, but she's still recovering and we expect her to be up in the next few days. Her brain activity is very active, which is a good sign. As long as her body cooperates with her brain, she'll be fine." "Thanks." Jeremy smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

   I went out the door and found Justin. I tapped him on the shoulder. "The fuck do you want?! I already told your dumb ass..." "What are you talking about?" He turned around and I could see the regret on his face. 

   "Sorry. It's just...." "I know, I know. You're under stress, I get it. Who'd you think I was anyway?" "One of those dumb doctors telling me it's past visiting hours." "I'm uh going to head to the ICU..." I trailed off. "Yeah, okay." "Yeah." I began walking down to the elevator. God, I hate the smell of hospitals. And the thought of them, just makes me sick. How ironic. I walk out of the elevator to the NICU facility.


Author's Note: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. But cliffhangerrrrrr, well sort of. Do you like the drama? Trust me there is more to come... >:-)

Next update will be whenever I finish the next chapter. Sorry for such a late update buttt I couldn't think of anything because I've been tied up with school and other important stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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