Eye Fucking

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I was waiting in the corner for Malfoy to come. Not even a minute later he appeared at the end of the hallway. I awkwardly waited for him to walk to me.

"Right on time, Potter."

"I'm rarely late." I said defending myself.

Before speaking, Draco took a deep breath as if he was building his courage.

"You know, back in the room of requirements..."

"You mean the one you almost died in because you set the whole thing on fire?" He sighed.

"Yes. Well you asked me why I didn't tell her, Bellatrix. I never thought i would one day be brave enough to tell you the truth. Especially not with my friends around."

"What are you saying?"

"I didn't tell her because I didn't want anything to happen to you."

"I get it. You're not an evil person."

"No you don't understand.I- I love you. I've been a dick to you all these years trying to prove myself that I wasn't in love with you."

"Draco! Come see this!" yelled Pansy from far away, laughing.

"I'm sorry. I got to go." And he started running in her direction.

"Wait Draco I-" and he was already too far.

He looked at me one last time with sadness in his eyes before walking away in the garden.

What in the bloody hell just happened?
Was he just messing with me? Was he actually serious?

I was standing there, not moving, in shock and confusion.

On my way back to the common room, my mind was spinning. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. And I couldn't tell if I liked him back. I think I do but... I don't know. I'm so confused. I mean, I had moments thinking about him in a not straight way but it was obviously just a dumb teenager fantasy... or was it?

"Guys I- there's something I need to tell you." I said as I entered the Griffyndor common room

"What is it? "Said ron, his mouth full of chocolate.

He really didn't learn his lesson. Last time he ate chocolate that wasn't his, he ended up almost dying from poisoning.

"Draco he-" I was still speechless, trying to put in a phrase what he told me.

"I know, he gave up being death Eater. I'm not surprised though. He was such a pussy." Said Ron.

"Look who's talking." Replied Hermione making Ron look away in anger.

"No he loves me." Hermione and Ron both looked at me with confusion and surprise on their faces.

"What do you mean, Harry?" Asked Hermione.

"He told me he was in love with me."

"Really funny." Sarcastically said Ron.

"He what?" Cut Hermione.

"I'm not joking. he stopped me in the hallway and told me he was...protecting me from Voldemort. He said he was being rude to me to convince himself he wasn't in... love with me."

"Draco is gay. Well ive seen it all." Joked Ron

"I'm not joking. This is serious. I don't know what to do."

"But harry you're straight aren't you?" Asked Hermione.

"I mean I don't know anymore."

"Why's that?"

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