You'll see

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"Harry!!" Said Hermione running towards me.
"How was the ball?! How was your night! Oh my goddess, Harry, I have so many things to tell you!" She exclaimed with a huge smile on her face.

I laughed. Seeing her really happy like this was nice. Since the war she wasn't the same. She wasn't shinning as bright as she used to.

"Tell me how was the ball with Ron. He was nervous wasn't he?" I asked.

"Unbelievably clumsy. He kept messing up the steps but that's why I love him you know?" She answered.

As she was talking to me about him, I could see her eyes shining bright. She was adorable.

"He said he loved my dress I don't know how many times. At least a dozen times." She continued talking about their night and then she asked how was mine.

"It was perfect. We danced and then we went to bed."

"That's it?" She asked looking disappointed.

"Did you know Blaise is actually very nice?"

We sat in the hallway and talked for a bit. Then Draco came walking towards us and sat next to me.

"Hi beautiful." He said dropping a kiss on my forehead.
My cheeks turned red and Hermione smiled. Draco took my hand and started playing with my fingers as we both listened to Hermione talking about Ron.

"Where is he anyway, Ron? Class starts soon." I asked to her.

"Still sleeping I'm guessing. Maybe we should wake him up?" She replied.

The three of us stood up and started walking towards the Gryffindor dormitory. Before I could start climbing the stairs Draco took my hand and asked:

"Can I talk to you alone for a bit?" I nodded yes and Hermione said she would meet us in class.
"My parents are out of town this weekend. Maybe we could go? You could come to my house again but this time no one's gonna try to kill you." He said laughing.

"I'd love too." I answered laughing before kissing him.

The week went by pretty fast. I didn't go to the Gryffindor common room once. I would sleep in Draco's bed. I loved how it smelled. He insisted that we would sleep in my bed but I prefer his. Plus it gave me an opportunity to be friends with Pansy and Blaise. They're both actually very nice people. Pansy can act a little annoyingly sometimes. She treats me like I'm a child or Draco's pet but at least she's not being rude like Crabbe. He couldn't bare my presence. Not a lot of Slytherins did. But Crabbe was the worst. Draco made it clear that he didn't want to hear a word from him so every time I would come, he would leave. I have absolutely no idea where he sleeps but it's not in his bed that's for sure.

It was Saturday morning and we were getting ready for our weekend. Once again, we borrowed Hagrid's motorcycle. I fell asleep as we traveled.

Once we were arrived, Draco gently shook me to wake me up. In front of me was the enormous manor I've already been to.

We went upstairs and I put my bag with all my clothes in it under the bed. I sat on the bed at looked at Draco's room. It was very big and luxurious. The walls were dark, matching the rest of the house.

Draco took a book and then came into the bed, his back leaning on the head of the bed. I came closer and rested my head on his chest. He flipped the book and started reading the resume out loud.

"Welcome to Derry, Maine. It's a small city, a place as hauntingly familiar as your own hometown. Only in Derry the haunting is real."

"What's the book?"

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