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The day was extremely long but I was glad it was. I was scared to see Draco tonight. I didn't want to face him. I had this feeling that I was gonna cry when I see him and that would be the worst possible thing to happen.
But there I was, waiting next to Flich for Malfoy to arrive.

"You better have it all cleaned before 7 pm or there will be more consequences." Spat Mr. Flich

And then I saw him, at the other end of the hallway. He started to jog to arrive to us faster. I was starting to blush.

"Hi, Potter." He said smiling like if nothing happened before.

"Hi, Malfoy." I said in a monotone voice which made his smile fade away.

We both followed Flich as he started walking towards the forest. We didn't talk all the way.
Once arrived, we handed us two trash bags and one lamp.

"Well here goes nothing." I said before stating to walk deeper in the forest.

"I'm sorry... for earlier." Said Draco as we walked.

"What happened? Why'd you pull away?"

"I was scared you'd think things are moving too fast."

"They are moving fast but...I'm not complaining about it." I looked at him for the rest of my explanation.
"I'm still a little confused because this is so sudden but I feel great around you." He looked back at me with a smile.

We then heard a noise somewhere in the bushes and both froze from fear.

The noise stopped and we continued walking.

"Probably just a rabbit." I said.

We arrived to the pile of trash. It smelled awful. We both looked at each other in disgust.

"We don't even have gloves. I'm not touching that with my bare hands." I said which made Draco laugh.

We then heard the crackling sound again. Draco, not being the bravest of them all, hid behind me.

The tiniest animal came out of the bushes. I started laughing out loud at Draco for being scared of this.

"It's not funny. Could have been a demetor."

"Oh I thought I was the one scared of demetors?" I said sarcastically.
"Wait. That's a niffler." The little creature was looking at us
"It loves everything that shines."

It then started running towards Malfoy. The animal jumped on him to catch something and then ran away, all of that with Draco screaming like a little girl:
"Get it off!! Get it off of me!!" Tears of laughter were blurring my vision.
"Stop laughing! That little shit hamster just stole my ring."

"Windgardium Leviosa!" I said as I took out my wand.

On my words, the little creature, or shit hamster as Draco called him, started levitating. I made him come closer to us and gently shook it. The ring and other jewelry fell from a pocket in his belly.

I then let the niffler go. He ran away from us, deeper in the forest. I kneeled, took Draco's ring and gave it to him.

"Thank you." He said while putting it back in his finger.

"Do you regret it?" I asked

"Regret what?"

"The kiss."

"You're kidding, right?" He said looking at me. I didn't say anything. "Of course not idiot. I've been waiting for this for so long. Just the thought of you possibly liking me back blows my mind."

A smile appeared on my face.

"After this, do you wanna come in Gryffindor's common room?" I proposed

"Others won't like it."

"I don't care."

A little after I finally convinced Draco to come with me after our detention, rain started pouring. We tried to hid our heads with our robes but we were still soaking wet. Even under the trees, the rain was very intense.
Then came McGonagall demanding us to go inside and that detention was over even if we haven't pick one piece of trash. We ran into the school, thank McGonagall and headed to the dormitory.

On our way, Draco touched my hand with his finger and then grabbed it. I looked at him with a nervous smile.

"Hey guys!" I said while entering the common room.

Draco let my hand go, not wanting to be too romantic around others.

Ron and Hermione were playing chess on the couches. Draco and I sat with them.

"Why are you guys are soaking wet?"

"As you can see by the window, Ron, it's raining outside." Said Hermione pointing out the obvious.

We all laughed except for Ron who was feeling a little stupid.

Hermione was sitting in the arm chair and Ron, me and Draco were on the couch, in that particular order, facing the fireplace.

Draco leaned closer to me which made me panic. I didn't know if he was gonna kiss me or just rest his head on my shoulder but instead of that, he whispered in my ear, laughing:

"Weasley is losing." His warm breath in my neck made me feel all tingly. I looked at him confused.
"Look at the board." He said but this time, out loud.

I looked at the game and he was right, Hermione's queen was right in front of Ron's king and it was her turn.
I thought he was good in chess. Maybe he just misses a little of practice.

"Rook to H3." After the tower stopped moving, Draco and I looked at each other, laughing.
"What?" She said, upset.

"Your friends are stupid, Potter." Joked Draco.

"Hey!" Spat Hermione and Ron at the same time.

Draco and I started laughing.

"Oh I see it!" Exclaimed Ron
"Bishop to D2."

"I'm so stupid! My queen was right in front of it!" Whinnied Hermione

"I wasn't the one saying it this time." Said Draco.

I'm sorry this is short and kinda shitty but watch out for next chapter 👀 hehe

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