Sorry for not being online so much, it's problems going on and me not being so motivated.
1) I like girls. But I'm not gay. I don't know what to say I am.
2) I'm female. But I'm genderfluid. I was born female.
3) barely.
4) Roses.
5) light brown
6)I'm Cancer
7) my ex-gf.
8) white and blue.
9) Noodles.
10) 57%
11) None.
12) Carrot...
13) Blue-Green
14) this is getting personal..I'm 5 and a half.
15) I don't have one.
16) idk 20 ppl
That's all imma tag..sorreh.
Sorry again.
RandomThe Title. b i g g e s t a c h i e v e m e n t #69 ocbook okay fine it's been #1 artstory and #1 lmaokillme but getting 69 is way better lmao