
18 2 0

Sorry for not being online so much, it's problems going on and me not being so motivated.

Sorry for not being online so much, it's problems going on and me not being so motivated

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1) I like girls. But I'm not gay. I don't know what to say I am.

2) I'm female. But I'm genderfluid. I was born female.

3) barely.

4) Roses.

5) light brown

6)I'm Cancer

7) my ex-gf.

8) white and blue.

9) Noodles.

10) 57%

11) None.

12) Carrot...

13) Blue-Green

14) this is getting personal..I'm 5 and a half.

15) I don't have one.

16) idk 20 ppl








That's all imma tag..sorreh.

Sorry again.

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