Chapter 15

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Sakura woke up on the ground very early in the morning. Sakura looked at the sun that was barely rising. She groaned. 'It's dawn! Who gets up at dawn?!' Sakura thought as she lifted herself up and headed back to the village.

Sakura got to her house and looked around for food. Sakura didn't have much in the fridge so she settled for a plate of eggs. Cooked of course.

Sakura sat down and was about to dig in when she heard the most annoying person on the planet. Karin came out of her temporary room and saw that Sakura was about to start eating. "Where's my food?" Karin shouted. Sakura shrugged. "How should I know. I'm not responsible for feeding you." Sakura said in a dull tone.

Karin walked up to Sakura and snatched the plate from Sakura. "There it is." Karin smugly said. Sakura stood up and looked at the person who dared touch her food especially when she was food deprived for three days.

A cruel smile made it's way onto Sakura's face. "No one touches my food." Sakura said in a low dark tone. Karin was stupid enough to reply. "Well I just did." Sakura stood up from her spot and walked over to Karin.


Sakura was happily enjoying her eggs. "Say Karin would you like some?" Sakura asked sweetly. Karin was battered and bruised and was tied up. To top it off Sakura was using her as a chair. "No? Okay more me!" Sakura said with child like glee clearly in her voice.

"Now you know not to touch my food much less take it." Sakura teased. "And if you think the others will help you next time go ahead and try but I'll beat you and who ever else helped to a pulp." Sakura said as she finished eating.

"Well time for me to take a shower and get ready. Bye." Sakura waved as she entered her room and as she closed her door she could hear Karin's muffled yells. 'Good thing I put a gag on her otherwise I would have forced to listen to her annoying voice.' Sakura thought to herself as she prepared to take a shower.

After she got out she put a different outfit on. She put and plain red t-shirt on with a white zip up hoodie. Sakura choose black shorts that reached her knees. Sakura styled her hair into messy ponytail.

Sakura walked out of her room to see Karin still struggling to get free. 'How is she a shinobi?' Sakura rolled her eyes and set Karin free. Sakura ran out the door before Karin could even open her mouth. Sakura was headed towards the Hokage Tower for the test but ran into someone she didn't expect to see.

"What do you want?" Sakura demanded she was in no mood to deal with him at the moment. "For you back out of the exam." He stated simply. "No way in hell I'm a be taking orders from you. Just who do think you are to order me around?!" Sakura shouted her anger increasing.

"Someone you claim to love." He said in a bored tone that made her temper rise to a boiling point. "I'm not that person anymore. Now move or I move you, your choice Uchiha." Sakura said through clenched teeth. "I highly doubt that." he responded sounding smug.

Sakura was about lose her it when she remembered her exam. Sakura glared at him and jumped to the rooftops sprinting towards the tower. Sasuke shivered at the glared she had given him.

Sakura didn't see it though. She arrived at the office with Tsunade looking out the window. Without turning to face Sakura she spoke. "That was an interesting way you decided to handle him." Tsunade said. Sakura shrugged. "You can't expect me to stay stuck on him when he calls me useless and made it crystal clear that he doesn't like me in anyway. Second he betrayed the village and was and may still be willing to kill Naruto and me. Lastly he's a jerk. So why would I still be hung up on him? After all that give me one good reason." Sakura said as she crossed her arms over her stomach.

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