Chapter 17

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Hide made it to her house by sunset. She set Sakura on the couch and started cleaning up. 'I can't have her knowing curtain things about me yet.' After Hide finished cleaning and hiding most of her things she started to cook dinner.

°Sometime later°

'Geez I feel like someone bashed my head.' Sakura thought as started to wake up. Sakura opened her eyes to see an unfamiliar place and that didn't sit well with her.

Sakura heard noises coming from the kitchen and decided to check it out.

As she came closer she noticed that someone was searching for something. Sakura walked in and shouted "Cha! Who are you?!" The person froze then slowly started to turn. Sakura looked at the person and then realized it was Hide. "Oh sorry Hide I thought you some random stranger." Sakura said sheepishly.

Hide let out a breath of air. "Well I'm glad to see your up." Hide said turning around again to finish her dinner. "How did I end up in, what I'm guessing to be, your house?" Sakura asked. Hide chuckled slightly. "You ran into a pole hard enough to knock yourself out." Hide said.

Sakura mumbled something under her breath and turned to go back to the couch. As she walked to the living room she stopped half way there. Sakura felt an unfamiliar chakra signature and automatically slowly started to mask her chakra.

'Hide isn't a shinobi and for what I can tell this person is high ranking. What would they want?' Sakura quietly made the rest of the way to the living room. Sakura saw a book on the ground and grabbed it. 'At least it's hard covered.' Sakura thought.

Sakura hurried into the room to find an ANBU sitting on the couch. The mask was on but she was able to see the back of his head and due to the fact this person had short hair. She assumed it was a guy. 'One, he took my napping spot. Two, he has some soft looking hair. It's the type of brown that reminds me of teddy bear. Three, he TOOK MY NAPPING SPOT!'

Sakura was now trying to decided whether to hug him because his teddy bear hair or hit him with the book. 'I now feel conflicted.' Sakura thought glumly as a depressing aura surrounded her. After she felt a yawn come on she instantly made her mind up.

Sakura lifted the arm that held the book and right before she swung, she shouted. "Cha!" At hearing that forsaken shout the ANBU's face instantly lost all the color in his face. Although he still had the mask on it wouldn't protect him from the pain to come.

The last thought that entered his mind was 'Damn she's here!' Then everything went black.

Sakura watched as the man fell forward unconscious. The book's hard cover was now dented. 'How's is that possible?' Sakura shrugged her shoulders at that thought. 'I don't know but I did it anyway!' Sakura felt proud. A smirk found it's way to her face. Hide came rushing in after she heard Sakura's yell. Hide already knew that her friend's shout meant one thing. 'What or WHO did she hit?!' Hide thought.

"Sakura! What happened?!" Hide questioned as she scanned the room for anything broken and or a body. "Thank you Sakura!" Sakura said in a mocking tone while she waved her hands around. Hide just ignored her. She walked further into the living room and saw someone on the ground. Hide inwardly both groaned and smirked.

'Serves him right.' She thought as she turned her gaze to Sakura. Who was now hiding the book behind her back. "What did you use?" Hide asked. Sakura faked a hurt expression. "Now what makes you say that and most likely your thinking I did this to him so why would you suspect me?" The pink haired girl whined.

"Well for starters you yelled cha which, as I've learned, is never good. And your the only other person here." Hide said staring at Sakura with a raised eyebrow. "That's just like you jumping to conclusions that involve poor innocent me." Sakura said as she started to pout.

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