Chapter 4

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It was rather chilly up in the coast of Maine, the fall weather providing the cold bite of the oncoming winter. The leaves had nearly all fallen, and the sound of the waves mingling with the sound of leaves being crushed,  the gentle wind picking up the small pieces, the air providing a welcome feeling to Brian's still recovering injuries. His skin had improved over the few months, scars in places of where the tree had burned his back, but they still pained him when he would work out or lay on his back, forcing him to sleep on his stomach.

A cold, wet nose pressed up against his palm, making him smile as he felt the golden fur of his faithful friend. Loyal to fault, Genji was his golden retriever who seemed all too happy to have him home, or rather someone to throw him a ball.

Brian smiled as he curled his scarred fingers around the green tennis ball before throwing it across the sand, urging Genji to chase after it and return it. A soft chuckle left his lips as he leaned in, ruffling his fur and taking the ball. Brian couldn't help but wince at the pain as he threw it once more, stretching the tender skin in his arm. He watched as Genji ran after it only to stop and sniff at the air, clearly smelling something interesting enough for him to leave the favored ball drifting in the sand.

Brian watched as Genji sniffed about before disappearing into the sand dunes that turned into rocks further along. Brian followed taking the ball with him in preparation to throw it again once Genji had familiarized with the smell and would drift back to him.

Or so he thought. 

In fact, he heard Genji bark, urging Brian to walk faster towards the rocks, taking careful steps to avoid falling. But when he reached the end, he could see a body, splayed across the rocks, faced down. As he got closer he could deduced it was an older woman by the long, wet, white locks that where cascading down her bare back.

Brian cursed under his breath as he made his way down, slipping here and there on the loose rocks, grimacing in pain as the scarred skin on his back stretched as he moved. He could've stopped and called emergency services but years of training told him that every moment counted.

However when he arrived towards the body, he noticed the lack of breathing. Without hesitating he quickly turned the body over, only to reveal the face not that of an old woman but that of a young man. His features were borderline feminine, long white lashes touching his pale cheeks, full lips that were nearly purple.

Seeing the darkening color, he pressed his hands on the young man's chest before pressing his lips against the young man's, breathing in oxygen.

Once, twice, and by the third he started to become nervous.

"Come on kid," he muttered under his breath, the strain on his back no longer mattering to him, but the life that barely clung to his hands. But when he did it the fifth time, the young man coughed, water gurgling forth from his mouth.

Brian sat back on his hunches, giving the young man space, meanwhile glancing at the rest of the young man's body for any signs of injuries. He saw none save for two gruesome scars that lined the inside of his legs and three faint lines on either side of his neck.

"Shit kid," he muttered under his breath as he gently placed a hand on the young man's shoulder. The touch seeming to bring a certain sense of alarm to the white haired male.

Purple eyes lined with white lashes grew wide, "Are you alright?"

The mysterious male opened his mouth as if to speak but only a sound of a whisper came out, barely heard over the crashing of the waves. The sounds of the storm brewing ahead.

Brian glanced at the young man, "Come on kid, we should get out of here before the storm comes in. Can you stand?"

Purple eyes glanced at the scarred legs, tears brimming at the edge and shook his head.

Brian wrapped his arms around the male, hoisting him over his shoulder, wincing in pain. Yet, the mere action of it made his heart flutter.


Alec could feel the man's heart bump against his skin, the force of carrying Alec's weight forcing it to pump further.  He pressed his cheek against the man's chest, letting the sound of his beating heart drown out the pain he was feeling in his heart. The memory of his father banishing him, the sight of his scarred legs, the inability to speak.

It all hurt.

He closed eyes, drowning himself in the man's scent. A smell he had never smelled before, something he would have a hard time to describe. Masculine, yet with a hint of of something that reminded him of the warm summer air that he would breathe when he would rise to the surface.

"Hold on kid," the man said.

Kid, Alec thought. If only the man knew. He probably twenty years his senior, judging by how quickly humans aged. He touched the jewels that clung from his neck, the urge to throw them into the sea at his fingertips. But his heart clung to the little peace of home he still had.

He rested his head against the man's chest in defeat. He couldn't go home now, rather, he need to find the man who bore the mark of Poseidon. And from the time he spent in the libraries, reading the ancient texts, it was a trident with sea serpents going around it.  A forbidden sign that had nearly been torn down from every kingdom of the seven seas. Save for the forbidden texts that had been hidden in the small villages that still practiced the dark arts.

But why would a human carry the mark of Poseidon? If they have never lived in the sea in the first place?

A/N: Finally! It's been forever! Hopefully the updates come sooner! Thanks for all the votes!

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