Chapter 2: Beginnings (SWEAR WARNING!!)

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Christie sighed, as she got on the bus to school. "Here we go" she thought as, her bullies whisper horrid things about her.

"Ew I can't believe she's wearing black"

"Attention seeker much?"

"LOL eww ugly slut"

Christie of course, would not let them bother her by saying this. The three of them snicker, as the ride to school continues. The bus stops in-front of the school where Chara is waiting patiently for christie. Everyone individually gets up and exits the bus. "Chara!" Christie exclaims, as she jumps off the stairs of the bus, and runs over to hug her best-friend.
"Ew what a bunch of lesbians" said Alicia, annoyed. Alicia's the name of one of the three bullies. "Fuck off Alicia don't ruin my morning" Chara said with a glare while hugging Christie back, gently. "What did you just say to me bi-" just as, Alicia was about to finish her sentence. An attractive boy came, walking into the school doors. "Omg it's him! The new guy!" exclaimed Alicia. Christie couldn't help but stare at him. She could feel her face warm up, as she looked at him. Alicia walks away with her two little bitches Alexia, and Julie. Those three are the most "popular" girls, in the entire school. Christie and Chara entered the school with everyone else. No one really seemed to be crowding the halls. Everyone seemed to be too busy stalking, the "new" guy. As, Chara and Christie spoke in the hall the bell rang for class, everyone started heading into their classrooms. Luckily, Chara and Christie have pretty much the same classes so, they both head into the classroom still having their little conversation. That's when, they saw him. As everyone got settled the teacher came in. "Ah, yes hello students and welcome back to my class!" exclaimed Mr. Derek. "As you can all tell, we have a new student joining us" said Mr. Derek. "Please stand and introduce yourself" said Mr. Derek with a bright smile. The boy stood up in-front of the class. "Sup i'm Paperjam, you can call me Pj for short". All the girls stared at Pj, with a blushing expression.
(Cri I got writers block ;w;)

~FF Pj X Christie >Made for one of my le fwends~Where stories live. Discover now