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Nari walked into her room, tired, ready for bed, and mind totally awake.  She changed and did all her night time routines.  As she watched herself brushing her teeth in the mirror, she pondered the upcoming recital.  What should she play that wouldn't already be chosen by a dozen students? 




Just then the dorm door opened and Gina trudged in, lugging her cello case.

"I. Am. Beat."  The pink haired girl flopped down on her bed and groaned.  "Nari," she said, suddenly sitting up and cracking her head on the top bed. "Owwwwww," she whined, rubbing her head vigorously.  She shook the stars away and then stared hard at Nari, who was staring back in disbelief.  How could someone be so helter skelter and careless in life? 

"Listen, I've been thinking hard about this recital."

"Me too," Nari mumbled, turning to rinse out her mouth.

"You know, the professor didn't say we couldn't do a duet."

Nari wiped her mouth dry with a towel and turned to her roommate.  "What are you saying?"

"What if you and I performed a duet?  Piano and cello?" Her face became alive with excitement and she began to wiggle excitedly.  "We could help each other!"

Nari looked at Gina skeptically.  She didn't like to depend on others when it came to grades.  Gina didn't seem that reliable after all.  "I don't know..."

"Oh c'mon!  I won't get us failed!  I promise!"  Gina moved to the floor and got on her knees, pleading with Nari.

"Gina, please, get up.  I just don't like-"

"I know, I know.  I'm the same way.  I don't like depending on others for grades, but I have heard you play.  There's no way we can fail!  I won't let you down, Nari, please?"

Nari pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed deeply.  What she was about to say was completely against her better judgment.  "What would we play?"

"I've been thinking about that too.  Why not Butterfly?  I heard you play that.  Your emotion and feeling were just what the song needed.  With my cello accompanying that, we are sure to get an A.  Please?"

Nari nodded slowly and raised her eyebrows.  "Alright.  Let's give it a shot.  But you better be around to practice and take it seriously.  Understand?"

Gina grinned widely and shook her head rapidly up and down.  "Yes, ma'am!"  She squealed and grabbed Nari's hands, shaking them excitedly, making Nari's body jiggle like jello. "When do you want to practice?"

Nari thought for a moment and then offered her suggestion.  "How about mornings before class?"

Gina's happy face quickly became one of deep disappointment.  "But..."

Nari giggled and ruffled Gina's hot pink hair.  "I'm joking.  I know you are definitely not a morning person."

Gina hung her head in relief and her shoulders shook with laughter.  "Ahhh, roomie, you got me.  Okay, so when?"

"I have about two hours between my last class and when I have to be at work.  I can dedicate an hour of that for our practice.  Is that okay?  Say two in the afternoons?" 

"Sounds awesome.  I'll meet you in one of the practice rooms." 

Nari smiled and nodded in agreement.  She didn't feel too nervous about it now if the uncertainty she had about Gina's dedication to practice was removed from the equation.  This might actually be good.

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