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BTS was going to be headed out to their next tour stops soon and Jimin wanted to spend just one more day with Nari before he would be gone and out of touch for a while.  However, he also needed to come up with a response to the videos and figure out a way to keep the fans from hating Nari right off the bat.

"Mini," said the low voice next to him on the sofa. 

Jimin looked over and smiled softly at Yoongi, who was staring at his laptop screen.  Yoongi had been trying to spend more time out in the common area of the dorm rather than staying holed up in his work studio.  "Yes, hyung?"

"About this girl," murmured Yoongi, typing slowly.  He finally pulled his eyes away from the screen and looked over to meet Jimin's.  "You really like her, don't you?" 

"Yes, I do."

"So what will you do if the fans disagree?"  Yoongi's eyes narrowed slightly though he tried to keep his face expressionless so as not to influence Jimin's answers.

Jimin's sucked in some air through his teeth and then released it slowly, puffing up his cheeks.  "I don't know, hyung.  All I can hope is they accept her because she's special to me," he said softly. 

"But if they don't?"

"I don't want to think about that, hyung."  Jimin had absolutely refused to think about it.  Anytime his brain tried to bring up the idea of Nari being rejected by the fans, he immediately derailed the thought and went to something else.

"But don't you need to think about it?  You know, be prepared or something?"  Yoongi prodded deeper for an answer.

"Hyung, I refuse to think that my fans would reject her.  Don't they tell us all the time that they want us to be happy?" 

"Oh sure.  But you know most of them don't really mean it.  They want us to be happy with them.  Not with someone else."  Yoongi smirked and looked back at his screen.  Fans were fickle.  They might say they wanted their idol to fall in love and be happy but what they really meant was they wanted that idol to fall in love and be happy with them.  Idols took a huge risk whenever they came out about their dating life.  Some never recovered from the fall from the grace of the fans. 

"I know what you're worried about, hyung.  But Bangtan means a lot to me.  I won't let it suffer."  Jimin's words came out soft and emotional.  "I'll see you later."  Jimin quickly rose from the sofa and after slipping on his shoes by the front door, he left. 

Yoongi watched the door close and he shrugged his eyebrows.  He had to trust Jimin to do the right thing.  It was completely out of his control and Yoongi hated that feeling.  He glanced once more to the door and then retreated to his studio.  Being out amongst everyone was just too much today.

* * *

Jimin: "Are you working tonight?"

Nari: "As always!" 

Jimin: "Okay."

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