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Jimin sat in the back private room of a small restaurant owned by some friends of the CEO.  His first finger tapped in a rapid, rhythmless movement on the table.  A large platter and more than a few side dishes covered the table, waiting to be enjoyed.  The smell made his stomach growl but he ignored it.  He stared hard at the door, his patience waning.  He glanced at his phone a few times and finally just shoved it into his back pocket with a heavy sigh.

He was nervous to the point that he almost felt sick. Closing his eyes, he tried breathing deeply and slowly to calm his nerves. He had no idea why he was so on edge except that this was his and Nari's first legitimate date and they would be alone.  Just the thought of being alone with her was enough to make his palms feel swampy. 

Just then the door slid open and a small foot appeared first, followed closely behind by the rest of the body of his new girlfriend.  A smile broke across his face and he quickly stood to greet her.

Nari stepped across the small door sill and noticed Jimin's wide smile, she grinned in return and the pair quickly went to sit down.

As Jimin descended to the floor, he heard a loud crack, a look of dread washing across his face. "Oh no," he muttered, reaching for his back pocket. His hand slowly came in contact with his phone, reluctantly sliding it out of his back pocket. His face contorted into one of pain and then of regret as he looked down at the now spider-webbed screen.  "I can't believe I just did that," he whispered in embarrassment and disbelief.

Nari's hand flew to her mouth and she looked Jimin with wide eyes.  "Did you just break your phone?" 

Jimin looked up and then back down to the screen filled with a hundred tiny cracks.  "Um...yes, I believe so."  He tried turning it on and nothing happened.  It was also bent as well as having a busted screen.  He gingerly laid the phone on the floor beside him and took a deep breath, grabbing his chopsticks.  "Oh well.  Not a big deal," he said, swallowing his damaged ego.  "I didn't think you were ever going to get here," breathed Jimin. 

Nari watched him for a moment and then chose to ignore the broken phone on the floor.  "Sorry, my bus was held up in traffic."

"Oh," whispered Jimin,

Nari took a small bite of the fish on her plate and studied the man in front of her.  She knew very little about him but had talked to him enough to know she was interested in getting to know him more.  She watched as his hair fell down into his eyes and she smiled as he ran his free hand through his hair, brushing it back out of his face. The pink was almost faded out but it was still very present. She noticed a few rings on the table beside him and it made her wonder why he had taken them off.

"Why did you take your rings off?"  She took a drink from her water glass then set it back down and waited for his reply.

Jimin finished chewing and looked over at the four rings neatly stacked on the table. He smiled and shrugged.  "I always take them off before I eat."

"Why?" Nari was seriously curious now.  Was it some symbolic reason?  A susperstition?  It was starting to bug her a lot now that she had noticed it.

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