"Marcus?" I called

"Yes?" He answered

"Are you dating my mom?" I ask

"No, she says I'm only a baby sitter" he says

"Oh" I sighed and went to pack a bag

"Where are you going?" He asks

"To stay with my dad and aunt. I have a feeling she's gonna come back rowdy again" I say

"You sure you don't want to stay with me?" He asks

"I wouldn't want to get you in trouble and accused of kidnapping. I'll see you at camp" I say

"I'll miss you" he says

"It's mutual" he gathered his things and took me to my dad's house

"Hi... Helios said you might come over for a while" Selena opened the door

"It's okay for her to stay here?" Marcus asks

"Of course... You're a good man" she says

"Thank you..?" He says

"The sun knows your routine, the moon knows your secrets" she says

"Oh, that makes sense... Call me if you need anything and she's not as tough as my generation so go light on the monsters" he says

"Of course" she let me in and took me a door with a lamb on it

"When your mother tried to hide you and throw you away in order to bring rich men into her life, your father planned to steal you. The night of the heist, he accidentally woke you with his smile and didn't want your theft to be obvious so he left without you" she says

"What's in here?" I ask

"Your cradle" she found the key and showed me the all cream and yellow room. Filled with Pooh Bear books, fairy tales, Greek mythology books, instruments, toys, and symbols of Helios. I went inside and cranked open the music box so that it played you are my Sunshine and the sun moved around the box and would glow and dim and go behind a cloud. I opened an beautifully made pop-up book about Helios, but the ending was that 'when the sun rests again, Helios goes to care for his kin" with him holding a baby as his shepherd daughters played at his feet.

"Are you okay?" She asks

"Yeah" I wiped my tears and left the room

"He just started preparing this room for you. It's not as cute and baby friendly but he thinks it's what you like" she unlocked the door and inside was all white cotton with touches of silk and gold decor. There were two sets of curtains, one chiffon and the other linen, and the shelves were littered with books and trinkets.

"I love it" I peeked into the closet and there were gowns, heels, dresses, and accessories. There was even an Aureole tiara and traditional clothing and antiques. I put my bags in the closet and went to take a shower, wash my face, and do my hair before going to sleep...

When I woke up, the sky was a lighter blue and I could hear somebody in the kitchen. I got up and went to find Helios cooking and Selena drinking coffee.

"Come eat. I have to leave soon" I had ricotta pancakes and eggs for breakfast and he took me to camp in his chariot before getting to work...

As summer approached, people started coming into camp. The adults from the previous generations tended to the new campers and taught them techniques and remedies and how to take their places. The most successful at adjusting became head of their siblings and top counselors. I being the one to rebuild the camp, I was in charge of all events and problems on the grounds. Because of this, I was constantly running around and busy with meetings and committees and overseeing events and almost everything. My father realized how tired I was getting and gifted me with a white mustang. Not the car, but, of course, a horse.

"Where are you heading?" I asked a lost looking camper

"The Arena. Some Athenian jerk challenged me but I can't find it" I pulled him on my stead and took him to the arena, taking a break to watch while my horse rested

"Are you ready to witness the skill of the goddess of wisdom?" Some girls hanging out and ogling gold daggers, gathered in the stands and watched closely

"The round begins at my hand!" I raised my hand and as soon as I lowered it, the Athenian attacked. He swung a dull Gladius and the brunette dodged it, elbowing his opponent in the back as he attempted to recover from missing. The Athenian got back up and stood in an armed stance until the brunette faked him out sent him to the ground. The Athenian rose once again and charged but the brunette blocked his blow and swept him off his feet. He released his weapon and fell on to his back. He got back up in a raging furry, not bothering to pick up his sword as he charged at the brunette. He hit the brunette in gut and they fell to the ground, wrestling to get on top. After a short struggle, the Brunette was on top and holding his arm back while pressing his head into the ground.

"Stop struggling or I'll dislocate your shoulder" I raised my hand and announced the end of the game

"What's your name?" I ask

"Adrienne" the brunette says

"I'm Philip" the blue haired boy budded

"Well, Adrienne, if the time comes that there is another war, I hope you're on my side. How did you learn to fight?" I ask

"I take martial arts" he says

"I'm a fencing champion" Philip says

"Well, I'll be on my way" I went back to the base of camp and fights and arguments were breaking out left and right

"What's happening?" I asked the head of the Athena cabin

"Fake witches, entitled homosexuals, racists, and cockiness" he says

"Fake witches?" I ask

"People that make tea and think adding rosemary makes it a potion or think certain stones are powerful enough to change everything. They're trying to force it into the Hellenistic basis of Greece when it's actually Pagan and there's research backing up the idea that it's not real and only a strong state of mind can bring you to change your mood or how you feel" he says

"Entitled homosexuals?" I ask

"They say Greece is their native land and belongs to the gays and that Aphrodite is the goddess of homosexuality and a lot of forced crap that likely came from twisted words and made up stories" he says

"Racists?" I ask

"People saying black Greeks didn't exist and that the Greeks were like the rest of Europe but they were far from the rest of Europe in culture and beliefs and their way of life. There were Ethiopians and Black Egyptians all over the Mediterranean because of trade and a good amount stayed and had children, making the Greeks and Italians and whoever else" he says

"Cockiness?" I ask

"My parent is better than yours, which is exactly how you get gods fighting" he says

"Why are you not fighting?" I ask.

"I know all the facts and I'm not gonna waste my time educating people who don't want to be educated" he says

"I'm going to go pray" I say

"Can I come watch?" He asks

"You could always join me" he came with me, eager as squirrel...

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