We washed our hands of dirt then called upon Harmonia, holding her attention with the sacrifice of a rabbit and grain. These offerings showed our willingness to offer our food and satisfaction to her in exchange for her power and blessing. He conceived the burning offering and called to her with hopes and prayers of education and peace. We set the burning pot to cool and finished our prayer with a cleanse of water.

"We can only help things go smoothly if we help ourselves along side prayer. Please call the other leaders to the Basilica" I went to our meeting house and prepared a large board of our problems and their possible solutions

"All I've done is read up on the gods sense my arrival and I know for a fact who symbolizes each aspect of the mortal world and what their powers are. These imbeciles are forcing their opinions and fictions on to God's older than the ones they grew up with. I'm all for  defending rape victims and gay rights but Aphrodite doesn't symbolize homosexuality or cater to any specific sexuality or have anything to do with gender. Medusa isn't the tale of a rape, but how disrespecting the gods has consequences. If you want to talk about rape, call upon Artemis and stop soiling the names of this history" the son of Aphrodite says

"And as someone of multiple religious practices, I know there are no crystal heeling aspects of any religion and it's barely present in true Paganism. Some claim to be Hellenistic Pagans but if that were the case, they'd sacrifice animals and praise every god but they only praise the most popular of the Olympians and burn Rosemary as if that's anything to these gods. My family is Hindu, you don't see me forcing meditation and Bhakti into this place and calling it Hellenistic Hinduism. That's disrespectful to the religion in culture" the daughter of Apollo says

"If anybody knows about travel patterns it's me and I know for a fact that Africans were heavy on trade, especially on coasts and near other bodies of water. I've traveled the world with my mom and I've studied for multiple summers in the Mediterranean to know that it's fairly easy to travel from Libya to Italy or Egypt to Greece. And studies show that most remains found in Egypt were either black or middle eastern which also shows obvious immigration from Eurasian to Africa! It's like they think only one race knew what a boat was back then! None of these cultures or Histories are even mine and I know the facts!" The son of Hermes shouts in frustration

"I'm just as proud to be a Demigod as the next guy but I know from watching various competitive events that you can't compare players of different positions on the same ground. Like comparing Apollo to Hermes, I don't know much about either of them but I know that you can't call Hermes a dunce for being a poor poet or call Apollo an idiot for not being the master of navigation. Just as you can't compare the quarter back to defense" the daughter of Ares says

"I suggest mandatory classes and activities. Things such as archery, swordsmanship, religious studies, culture and history, scavenger hunt, and whatever else. We can't have strictly classes because this is supposed to be a break from school but they need some education and we can't do that one camper at a time" the son of Athena says

"Then let's discuss teaching methods" we stayed in the Basilica for hours discussing things until my father came at night fall

"What are you still doing up? I fell hours ago" he says

"We're holding a meeting to discuss the problems in camp" I say

"Oh, I didn't realize that you were growing up so fast. I was hoping we could at least attend a dance or something together first" he says

"Dad, I'm in the middle of something. We can talk later" I say

"Of course" he left and I continued with our meeting

"Who is your godly parent?" Simal, the daughter of Apollo questions

"Helios, Titan of the sun. That was him without his Aureole or Chariot" I say

"What exactly are you to the camp since you have no demigod siblings?" Alexandra, daughter of Ares asks

"After the war, almost a decade ago, the camp was destroyed and void of all but grass and destruction. I rebuilt it and called upon past generations of demigods to help and bring the camp back together with all new buildings and a mix of traditional and modern to please both the gods and campers. I handle finances and funding, repairs, conflicts, I help teach newcomers how to embrace the power of their parents, tend to the fields, harvest nectar,  handle ambrosia imports. I'm the director of everything that comes and goes and I'm not leader because my dad is the sun, but because I built this place from nothing and made it more than it ever was before. I'm not going to argue over positions and join in the discord Eris has challenged us with so please, work with me" I say

"We will not be divided like the Senate of Rome and I trust her hand in the guidance of the camp. Be glad you were appointed and accept the power you were given" they dared not argue against Alec, the son of Athena

"Would you like to continue the meeting for morning?" He asks

"Yes" he called the end of the meeting and came with me to meet my father at the Acropolis

"I'm sorry if I made you feel lesser than me. I just know that they're older with Olympian parents and wouldn't take you serious, so I couldn't help but step in" Alec says

"It's fine. I'm just glad to know that someone is on my side" he stopped in front of me

"But you do realize that as Helios' only resident daughter, they could easily over throw you?" He says

"I know how to keep myself safe but thank you for worrying" I say

"No problem" we continued our walk and upon arrival, I was awestruck...

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