Fox-Fire Shield: Part 1

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It was another sunny day for the dear travelers. Naofumi sat at the back of his carriage, examining and upgrading a few skills on his shield while Raphtalia handled Filo and the carriage as they rode through the forest paths. Lately their business had been growing splendidly well, hence having more errands to run and jobs to finish. In fact, the trader he worked with had requested for him to deliver a few goods to a near by village, Noka. 

Honestly he didn't want to go. It had only been a few days since Raphtalia was infected by the curse illness she had gotten from the decaying dragon back in East village. He didn't want to stress her so much despite all the protests she gave before they left. But of course Raphtalia stood her ground and insisted on running another errand to go on with the business. She had left the final vote to Filo (without him agreeing) and she also went with hitting the roads. So that's how they ended up here, on the path to Noka village to retrieve a sacred item.

"Master it's great outside today, don't you think? And the forest looks beautiful", Raphtalia commented with a gentle smile on her face.

Naofumi looked up for a split second and back to his shield, "Yeah, It is I guess". After finishing up with his shield he walked over to Raphtalia and looked out the carriage. "How long before we get to the village?".

"Just a few minutes before we get there. But the forest's shiny delicious leaves are making me soo hungry", Filo whined as her tummy suddenly rumbled in cue. The racoon demi-human only scolded the bird for her gluttony comment, knowing that they had only eaten no less than thirty minutes before.

But Naofumi attention was caught by the sound of crying and noise like someone was being attack.

"Hey do you guys hear that?", he asked the others as he paused a bit to hear the sound more clearly. Raphtalia looked at her master in confusion while stopping Filo whose attention was also drawing to the hero's question.

"Hear what?"


They all paused for a moment. The sounds of twitting birds and rustling leaves echoed through the air. But then they heard it, crying and begin coming from a child or something,Then a sharp one of a crowing bird, or even more judging from the timing of each crow. Someone was definitely in danger. But Naofumi couldn't make a choice between saving the victim or going on with his trip.

"Yeah I here it. It's coming from over there", Filo said, using her wing to point at the direction.

"Master Naofumi, should we...?"

But he didn't reply. He stayed silent for a moment as the choices ran through his mind and the sound of wailing and screams echoed through the forest. Suddenly he hopped of the carriage and ran towards the direction of the commotion. Raphtalia shocked due to his sudden action quickly got off and ran after him, along with Filo.

After a long run through the forest, pushing leaves, branches and vines out of his way, including jumping and ducking other obstacles, he finally reached the source of the cries. It was a small clearing in the forest, only covered with grass and a few wild flowers.  But what really caught his attention was the scene before him.

At the center was a little creature, similar to a dull brown fox , with one fluffy tail and big ears. It covered its head with its paws and curled its tail up to protect itself as it cried out and screamed. And over it was a flock of wild vulture monsters, about three to four who were five times larger than the fox, attacking and pecking the poor creature.

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