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after getting their own personal little tour of la, the girls and parker found themselves at the house setting up for the party. madison was in charge of setting up the lights, arlo was on kitchen duty and parker was cleaning up his entire house.

"i really appreciate you guys helping me, usually i have my bud austin come and help me but he says he's busy," parker announced as he swept through the living room.

"it's the least we could do, you gave us a whole tour, and you picked us up from the airport," arlo smiled, pouring some bags of chips into some plastic bowls they had bought earlier.

"so exactly how do you guys party?" madison asked, setting up the last of the colorful lights and testing them out, "usually when you guys post on ig it looks lit but that's usually how parties are when someone's recording-"

"i'll let you answer that question yourself," parker smiles at her, walking over to the door as soon as the door bell rang.

slowly but surely, the house began to fill with people arlo had seen before in the boys' instagram stories but they themselves were yet to be seen.

madison went off with some other girls, smoking weed in the backyard while arlo stayed inside in the living room, with a somewhat clear view of the front door.

she could just go up to parker and ask when the boys would get there, but she didn't want to make it seem that the only reason she went to the party was in hopes of meeting the boys, well specifically brandon.

after another twenty minutes of just blankly staring at the door, arlo got up and made her way over to parker who was talking in a group of friends.

"hey!" parker smiled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"hey! have you seen mads?!" arlo practically yelled since they had the music blasting.

"i saw her go upstairs! probably still smoking or something!" parker said as arlo nodded.

"i'm going to get a drink, want anything?"she asked as he politely shook his head no. she smiled slightly, leaving to the kitchen and looking through the fridge and found a kool aid pouch.

not wanting to look like a child compared to everyone here who definitely had mixed liquor in their red cups, she grabbed a cup, pouting the juice in there and acted as if she was drinking beer like everyone else.

"look who decided to show up!"

freezing at the sound of the voice, arlo slowly turned around and looked up slightly to be met with zion. he was definitely tall, a lot taller than how she actually thought he was.

"i'm not a wuss, of course i showed up," she smiled at him, taking a sip from her cup.

"have you met the love of your life yet? i think he went upstairs," zion chuckled, getting a red cup and mixing a couple of beers into his drink, taking sips every now and then until he looked satisfied.

"hm? i didn't even notice you guys were here," arlo laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear and looking at him.

"mmm, we barely got here but you better hurry- i think he said he was planning on taking someone upstairs," zion smirked, taking another sip of his drink before disappearing into the crowd of people.

feeling her cheeks heat up slightly, arlo waited a while before making her way through the crowd and upstairs, she didn't want zion to see her leave right away because she knew he would probably make a scene out of it.

her hands began to sweat as she slowly walked up the stairs one step at a time. she could feel her heart beat against her chest. she was determined to meet him today, but she never figured she would be this nervous.

she walked into the first couple of rooms and expected the usual, couples making out, one empty room, a couple of people together smoking, her heart started to beat loudly as she open the last door in the hallway.

and there he was.

well, his back. there was his back, facing the door as he scrolled on his phone. arlo froze in her spot, never would she have thought to be this close to him, and have him to herself for a while until of course, he would reject her and humiliate her in front of the whole party and she would have to do the walk of shame back to texas, or at least that's how she thought it would go down.

she was surprised that he didn't realize the door had opened, or he was probably ignoring it hoping whoever had opened it would go away, arlo thought.

just as she was about to speak she closed her mouth and made a face. she expected brandon to be in one of these rooms cause that's what she was told and yes, that was true.

but what she didn't expect was that the girl he was planning to take upstairs would be her best friend, madison.

worst yet, she didn't expect her best friend of seven years to have fucked the guy she was in love with.

she watched in disbelief as madison went and stood by brandon, throwing her shirt back on and leaning down to peck his lips. arlo could feel her hands start to ball into fists and her breathing becoming heavier.

using all the force she could, she punched the door, making both madison and brandon jump slightly and look over at her.

her eyes first landed on brandon, who looked at her as if he was trying to figure out who she was and why she looked like that.

then her eyes shifted to madison who stood there, looking as if she was trying to find something to say. arlo shook her head her head, not wanting to hear anything she had to say, leaving the house as quickly as possible.

zion watched from afar, taking a sip from his drink as he watched her leave the house and waited for someone to go chasing after her, but no one did.

im sorry i havent updated in like 10 years ):

here's a kinda long chapter to make up for it



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