
36 0 0

Sometimes I feel like the gears in Leni's head are like the gears in my watch. Dysfunctional. I then have to remind myself that it's not her fault that she doesn't understand. It's not her fault that everything I tell her seems to go through one ear, and out the other. She was simply born that way. 

No matter how many times I have to reprimand her for not listening to me, I still love her, more than Maddock even. Maddock is too rash, too headstrong. I think he feels that because he is older than me, he has to prove his superiority. Maybe that is why he is always getting himself into trouble. 

Lenis, on the other hand, is mild and gentle, like her name. Self reserved. She keeps to herself, but lets you know that she is there. Every once in a while she will laugh at your joke, although she probably doesn't actually comprehend it. She has the most beautiful smile on the planet. Bright, white teeth in a straight line, pink lips encircling them. Sometimes I feel like I give her too much credit, like I'm too harsh on Maddock's character. Maybe the reason that she is so carefree is because she can't conceive the grim realities of life in this disciplinary country we reside in. Maddock can. 

I give up on trying to teach Leni the basics of addition. When Maddock gets home I'll have him do it. I'm sorry, let me rephrase that. If Maddock gets home I'll have him do it. Maddock is rarely home when he should be. He claims it's because of his busy job, and if I didn't know better I would believe him. Whatever keeps him out past midnight, I do not want to know. As long as we have the sufficient amount of money that we need to keep Lenis with us, I keep my mouth shut. Sometimes, however, I lose control. Like tonight.

I glance at the watch on my wrist, a pointless habit I picked up. 3:27. Same time that it has always been. The digital clock on the wall correctly contradicts my idle watch, it's black electronic numbers spelling out 2:04 AM. I let out a silent groan, frustrated. I try to keep it as tame and as inaudible as possible because if Leni gets the idea that I am upset she'll begin to bawl. She hates to see me sad. 

The wooden door swings open at 2:49, followed by a drunken Maddock. He stumbles in, a bottle of liquor in one hand, his wallet tightly held in the other. His dark brown hair is tousled, like he just woke up. The stubble on his chin makes him look older than his mere age of 22. He makes a pathetic attempt to skip towards his bedroom, and I blockade the narrow opening. 

"Haidee," he drawls, pushing my shoulders. I instinctively slap him in the face, and he retreats, confusion and sudden anger spreading across his face. 

"Lenis," I say, in the most calm and collected voice I can muster up, "go to your room." My younger sister obediently advances to her quarters, although it won't be of much aid. Doors, other than the front door of the house, were banned years ago. The government reasoned that doors were only necessary for immoral acts, and that our society doesn't participate in shameful behavior. Whatever astringent words may be exchanged between Maddock and I will easily be overheard by our innocent little sister. 

Maddock drops his wallet and grabs my wrist, squeezing tightly. I try to wriggle out of his grasp, but he is too strong for me. I use my other hand and grab his liquor bottle. Caught off guard, he releases both the bottle and my wrist. 

"Maddock," I say slowly, backing into his room. Maddock is dangerous and vindictive when he is drunk, especially towards me. He brushes roughly past me and collapses onto his bed, the smell of vomit inundating my senses. I tip toe cautiously in his direction, my every step feeling like the weight of a hundred pounds. I debate on whether or not I should wake him, and regret it the moment I do. His arm goes flying in the air, smacking me in the face and I stagger backwards, falling on my back. My face burns, and I gingerly touch my cheek, where I discover a bleeding gash that was caused by his nails. I stare at him in dismay, shock written across my face.

He sits up, reality dawning on him. "Haidee, I'm so sor-- I- I didn't mean--" He stops short, his gaze shifting from me to the doorway. A soft whimper from behind me confirms my dreaded despair. I whip around to find Leni, firmly clutching her gray quilt. A tear slides down her cheek when she spies the red gash on my face. I instantaneously cover it with my hand. How much has she seen? Did she see Maddock hit me? She must have. I hope to God that she didn't. Maddock is her hero.

"Lenis," I say, but she is already out the front door. I pursue after her, Maddock on my heels. An ear splitting scream causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand, and I thrust myself past the open doorway. "Lenis!" I yell desperately, searching blindly through the vast darkness for my little red haired sister. I run the perimeter of the house, and trip over something large and warm.

The blood curdling screams that follow the discovery of my baby sister's body are inevitable. She lays lifelessly on the ground, her gray bicycle beside her. Strands of red hair cover her pale, freckled face, and her strikingly emerald eyes are still wide open. Two red incisions are clearly visible on her white wrist. 

"Micrurus fulvius," Maddock mutters breathlessly beside me. I can't even look at him. This is all his fault. This is all his fault. If he had come home on time, if he hadn't gotten drunk . . .

Infuriated, I snatch the watch off my wrist, the single item of "vanity" that I am permitted of having, and throw it at my older brother's face. The next thing I know, the ground is quaking, and I am flung off my feet. My head hits the ground, my eyes closing shut.

When I open them, I am staring at the gray wall of my living room, a thwarted demeanor encasing me. Lenis is plopped down in the gray love seat next to me, a look of frustration on her face as she attempts to add 41 and 32. My watch is back on my wrist, and I inherently check it.

The thin black hands point to the designated time: 2:04 AM.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2012 ⏰

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