BAs Calendar

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Please note that since life is unpredictable, these dates may change in the future; however, I will be doing my best to stick to this list.

Accepting Entries

March 3nd, 2019

At this date, entries may begin the accepting process for the Blithe Awards. Starting at midnight for Eastern Standard Time (EST) since that is the time zone I am in.

Judging Applications Due

April 5th, 2019

All applications to be a judge are required to be submitted before this date. None that are submitted after will be accepted.

Judges Announced

April 6th, 2019

The chosen judges for the awards will be announced on this date. No one will be receiving notice of if they are a judge until this day. The first password is Rain. This will be changed every few days and must be included in your application.

Entry Forms Due

April 8th, 2019

All entry forms for entering a story into the BAs must be submitted by this time. No submissions will be accepted after this – no exceptions. This includes all categories.

Judging Assignments #1 Given

April 11th, 2019

This is when judges will receive their first story assignments. No judge may request a story, nor will they be changed. A read through and rubric scoring of each story will begin when they receive their stories.

Round One Winners Announced

May 13th, 2019

This should give all judges enough time to complete their assigned stories and turn in all scores. These winners will advance to the next round of scoring.

Judging Assignments #2 Given

May 15th, 2019

Judges will receive their second story assignments. As with before, no requests for stories or changing of the assigned selection. Rubric scoring and readings will begin when stories are received.

Round Two Winners Announced

June 8th, 2019

The second set of judging assignments should be completed by this time. These participants will move on to the next (and final) round of scoring.

Judging Assignments #3 Given

June 16th, 2019

Judges will receive their final scoring assignments, and they may begin scoring at this time. No story changes or requesting will be accepted.

Judging Ends

July 13th, 2019

All judging will end at this time, and I'll start determining who the winners are. This includes special categories and honorable mentions.

Winners Announced

July 16th, 2019

Winners of all categories will be announced at this time! Congrats! Prizes will also begin to be handed out upon the announcement of the winners. The next password is Plaid. This will be changed every few days and must be included in your application.

Reviews to All Participants

August 19th, 2019

All participants should have received their reviews based on judging rubrics by this time, if not sooner.

Prizes Finished

August 30th, 2019

All winners should have their prizes sent to them or completed by this date if they do not get them sooner.

The Blithe Awards | 2019Where stories live. Discover now