♡ - things that he loves about you

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Daniel Seavey

Your eyes. Every time you spoke to Daniel his eyes would always be locked to yours. He would be put under such a spell that only you snapping your fingers would pull him out of. To others it looked a bit awkward but to you it was precious. In some moments he would be staring into your eyes while you were talking and he would have to interrupt you just to say, “Your eyes are the most beautiful things I have ever seen.” making you blush and kiss him. Quickly forgetting what you were talking about. 

Jack Avery

Your free spirit. There was never a still moment you were always either trying a different activity or finding different trails to get lost on. Jack fell in love with the way you loved exploring, going on adventures at 2 a.m. and just the way you live like nobody owned you. He noticed this a week after you both first met. You were living at the Why Don’t We house and couldn’t sleep around 1 a.m. So, you snuck into Jack’s room, being sure not to wake anybody and gently shook him out of his sleep. “Hey do you want to go on an adventure?” you questioned. Once he realized it was you asking he replied, “Let me get dressed then well head out.” A small smile appeared on your lips knowing that this was the start of a beautiful friendship. What you didn’t know is that it would lead to an even greater relationship.

Jonah Marais:

Your hair. When ever Jonah was stressed or sad, playing with your hair always helped. You both found this out when he came home from a long stressful day of meetings. Jonah was tired and looked like he was about to pull all his hair out. He walked into your guy’s shared bedroom and flopped down on your side of the bed. “How was your day?” you asked him already having an idea of how it was. “I don’t want to talk about it.” he replied sitting up. Jonah pulled on your arm signaling you to lay on him. You rested your head on his lap and he put his hands in your hair. He began to play around with your hair like wrapping strands around his finger or just running his hands through it. You were relaxed and so was Jonah. From this moment on you knew exactly what do to in order to calm him down.

Zach Herron

Your confidence. The way you carried yourself like you were the best one in the room caught his eye. Zach loved the way you weren’t afraid to start a conversation and you wouldn’t let anyone talk down about you without having a sassy comeback. You met Zach when you both still went to public school. Your friendship grew quickly and so did Zach’s career. He started to get bullied and you weren’t going to let that slide. One day, you overheard two girls start talking crap about Zach. You quickly shut that down telling them off. Those two girls were the most popular girls in your grade and most people didn’t really have the confidence to talk back to them, but you weren’t most people. Zach loved that.

Corbyn Besson:

Your hugs. Corbyn loved being in your embrace. Just the thought of your arms either wrapped around his torso or his neck made him the happiest. He couldn’t wait to get home from meetings so you could greet him with a hug. When ever he was feeling upset, stressed or homesick he knew he could count on you arms tightly wrapped around him while he let out his emotions. Corbyn was never big on P.D.A but once you guys started dating he loved it.

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