1. Middle School

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-Thomas being a good student

-Guy-Man not giving a shit but also kind of giving a shit because he doesn't want to get held back

-Thomas gets an 87% on a test and he's panicking but then Guy-Man is like "bitch you think yours is bad, I got a 32%."

-Thomas trying to help Guy-Man with school stuff but ends up letting him copy and then they play video games (cough Mario cough Legend of Zelda cough I dont even know how many others cough)

-always staying over at each other's houses

-everyone sits at the same lunch table

-Joel snorting pixie sticks and yelling "I CAN SMELL COLORS" (actually happened at my school)

-Alan also snorting pixie sticks but then sneezing them out all over Christopher

-Sonny filming the whole thing

-Thom trying to get Guy-Man to talk more often

-Guy-Man has a deal with everyone where on the days where there's garlic bread he gets all of it.

-Christopher being a nice boi and sharing with everyone.

-Christopher's mom sending him to school with marshmallows

-Sonny and Guy-Man yelling at everyone about how they don't understand the struggles of having long hair and then forming their own duo which is a side branch of the whole friend group much to everyone's annoyance.

-Joel trying to be smooth and stuff around Sonny but probably trips over his shoe laces

-Thom not doing much better

-Thom probably walks into a door or something while trying to be smooth.

-Guy-Man falling asleep in class almost every day

-Thom getting mad at him and going to yell at him about it but ends up stuttering the whole time so Guy-Man can't take him seriously

-Joel somehow sneaking a cat into school and everyone is kinda dumbfounded but still fawning over it

-the music teacher letting them do whatever

-Joel braiding Sonny's hair

-Thom trying to persuade Guy-Man to let him braid his hair but failing miserably.

-Thom then is just stuck with trying to discreetly braid his hair

-Alan and Christopher just chillin' in the corner.

-Thom saying that Guy-Man needs to be nicer to the little kids and he tries until one pushes him in the hallway and then he 'bout to square up and drop kick that kid to the twilight zone but everyone (and I mean everyone) has to hold him back.

-lots of 13 year old humor

-Sonny makes a joke but Joel says (every time) "dude youre not even funny that joke was the worst yet."

-everyone trying to sneak getting two desserts at lunch instead of one.

-Trying to be rebellious but Thom is too pure for that so everyone kinda holds back

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