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"Xiaojun, how many times do I have to tell you: right, right, LEFT, then right again?!"
We were currently in the practice room, and I was on the floor. Again.
I sighed in frustration as I looked up at Kun hyung.
"I'm sorry, hyung...."
He sighed, extending an arm for me to grab onto. I took it graciously, and he pulled me up.
"This isn't like you, Xiao. What's going on?"
I sighed again. "If I'm being perfectly honest....I have no idea."
And it was true; I was usually so sure-footed. Yet here I am, now tripping over my own two feet.
We were on the cusp of our debut, so it was imperative that I was perfect. But for some reason, I couldn't get the spin right.
"Go easy on him, hyung," Ten called as he walked over. I glanced at the older member. Ten was, by far, the best dancer in the group. I envied him - he made dancing look easy. And then there was Sicheng, who had done this song and choreo twice before. So of course he knew how to do the damn dance, too.
Ten laid a hand on my shoulder reassuringly.
"Come on. Show me as much as you can. Maybe I can help you out a bit more." He glanced at our leader, a teasing gleam in his eyes. "Kun hyung might be just a bit too.... old fashioned to teach the kids of our generation."
Kun rolled his eyes.
"Ten, we were all born in the same generation. And you're only a year younger than me!"
Ten laughed.
"But people don't call me a mom, do they?"
I chuckled lightly as I saw Kun's left eye twitch. He looked like he wanted to hit Ten.
Ten winked at Kun before turning to look at me.
"Alright, Xiao Xiao. Let's see if God Ten can fix you up."
Kun snorted, and I gave him a look. Kun just raised his hands, shaking his head and walking over to Sicheng.
I sighed; this was going to be a long day.


"I thought that would never end!" I complained to Yangyang that evening, flopping down on my bed. Yangyang looked at me sympathetically.
"You got through it though!" Yangyang said, trying to cheer me up. I sighed.
"Yeah, but my feet are killing me. And I honestly thought I was going to strangle Ten hyung," I added as I rubbed my aching feet.
Yangyang gave me a gentle smile before kneeling in front of me.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he lightly grabbed my foot.
"You seem tired and stressed, so I figured I could help you out by rubbing your feet," he explained with a smile, as if he was immensely proud of himself for thinking that up.
I chuckled, blushing slightly.
"Thank you..." I murmured. Yangyang just grinned, getting to work on one of my feet. It felt so good that I accidentally moaned.
I turned beet red, slapping a hand over my mouth quickly. Yangyang smirked slyly.
"What was that, Xiao-hyung?"
I glared accusingly at the younger boy.
"You did that on purp--oh!" Another sensual moan erupted from my mouth as Yangyang pressed down on my foot.
"Stop that!" I quickly pulled my foot away from the mischievous maknae before he could make me any louder. Yangyang bursted out laughing, gasping for breath. I glared at him.
"I don't see how this is funny, your perv," I whined as Yangyang climbed into the bed with me. I automatically wrapped him in an embrace, holding him close to me.
He gave me a kiss, smiling the whole time.
"It's just really fun to tease you, hyung. You make it so easy!"
I crossed my eyes at him in fake annoyance.
"Let's see how you deal with getting teased!" I started tickling Yangyang, hoping to find his most ticklish spot.
"N-no!! Xiao-hyung!! N-not there!"
Yangyang started gasping for breath as he laughed, and to anyone unfortunate enough to pass by the door, they'd think we were doing it.
Eventually, the tickling turned into soft kisses, which gradually turned into long, passionate ones.
Tell him already, I said to myself. Tell him that you love him! Now was as good a time as any. Yangyang snuggled up against me, tired. As I opened my mouth, he shut his eyes and began to snore softly. I sighed, closing my mouth and giving him a peck on the forehead instead.
"Goodnight, Yangyang," I whispered, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep, with the boy I love tucked snuggly against me.

To be continued

Yay! I got an update out!! That's a point for me, I do believe. Thanks for reading everyone!!! 💚💚💚😊😊😊

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