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"Alright hyungs! Listen up! I'm going to separate everyone into their rooms!"

I looked over to where Chenle was standing, a look of pride on his face as he bossed his hyungs around.

I heard some playful groans coming from the other members and smiled.

Chenle looked across the sea of members, seemingly thinking about which would room together.

"Starting with the Dream members: Jaemin hyung and Haechan hyung will room together. Jeno hyung, you will be with Renjun hyung. And obviously, Ji and I will be together."

Streams of protest were coming from the selected members.

"What the hell Chenle! We had a deal!" Jaemin called, obviously offended and hurt.

Chenle shrugged.

"Don't look at me. Taeyong hyung had the final say in who rooms with who. He said he didn't want any fu-"

"Okay Chenle! That's enough!" Taeyong yelled, red faced.

I heard a quiet giggle and looked over at Yangyang. He must've seen my raised eyebrow, because he leaned in and explained why he was laughing.

"Taeyong hyung obviously doesn't want to be responsible for any misbehaving babies," he said, suggestively lifting his eyebrows.

I looked at him, unsure how I ended up in love with a moron.

"Yang, that means that we will most likely not be in the same room either."

I watched as he processed what I had said, chuckling as I watched his face go from happy to horrified as he finally understood.

"Oh no!!"

"And that's it folks! You can go put your things in your rooms! And before you get ahead of yourselves, your rooms have already been decided. Just look for the room with your name on it!"

My head whipped back to the front, as Chenle finished talking.

How the hell had I missed him calling my name?! And how the hell did he talk so fast?!

I looked over at Yangyang, who was pouting. Which led me to believe that, as I had predicted, we were not roommates.

"Cheer up, Yangyang. We can still hang out during the day!"

Yangyang rolled his eyes.

"That's not the same!"

I chuckled, reaching up to pat the younger on his head.

"Well, shall we go put our things away?"

Yangyang narrowed his eyes at me accusingly.

"Xiao-hyung, do you even know who your roommate is?"


"Of course I do! I'm not an airhead like you!"

He rolled his eyes again, clearly seeing through my bluff.

"Right, and I'm shorter than you, too."

He sighed, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a group of hyungs. He stopped in front of Ten, who was clinging to Johnny and staring daggers at Chenle.

Yangyang pushed me to the older, a frown on his face.

"If you touch Xiao-hyung I will personally spill all of your secrets. ALL of them."

Ten rolled his eyes, scoffing.

"Why would I do anything with Xiaojun anyway? I've got Johnny!"

Yangyang gave him a knowing look, while Johnny just looked confused.

"Just keep those fruit hating hands to yourself Ten hyung."

And with that, Yangyang turned and huffed away.

I glanced at Ten, a bad feeling developing in my stomach.

Something tells me that our supposed fun vacation wasn't going to be as smooth as I had imagined.

To be continued

Hello! So, I decided to publish the chapter after all. As you can see, this is a pretty short chapter. I guess you can think of it as a slight filler chapter. I don't really know what else to put here so....thanks for reading!!!

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