Shock Treatment

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My father had a hidden room behind his office and only he and I knew about it. In that hidden room was a chair with straps and wires. It was an electric chair, one that was supposedly illegal in the country. My father used that chair to do shock treatments on me when I was younger. He stopped over a year ago when I almost died from it. My mother and my brother had no clue that that room even existed.

If they did, I'd probably be dead by now.

I remember that morning perfectly well, my mother was out with her book club friends and my brother was out with his friends. I wasn't allowed to go outside during the weekend because of my condition

My father was home that day and he had a lot of paper work to get done. I could hear him in his office, moving around and rummaging through paperwork.

A busy man at work some may say but I say he's a dead man in his own trap. The idea of killing my father came up one day in a conversation with Jimin. We were both sitting on the bleachers at school and just talking. Jimin still hasn't told anyone that I killed Jessica, which was fine but he's still trying to convince me to get some mental help.

"Yoongi if you don't get help soon, you'll probably end up killing your parents on accident." He was concerned obviously.

"Jimin, it's no accident if I decide to just up and kill them. Then again I've been wanting to for a long time. Would you like to hear my ideas?"

Jimin stood quiet after that but I knew he wanted me to stop the insanity. He's worrying himself to death just thinking about, I can tell because he always looked sleep deprived and sometimes he doesn't say things clearly.

I'm such a monster to make him worry.

My father's footsteps moved back and forth throughout his office. It was giving me a headache and I hated having headaches. I got off my bed and walked to his office without really thinking on my next plan. Once inside I saw him enter that secret room and I followed, along the way I picked up the large paper holder and stepped inside.

He didn't notice me at first since his back was to me and he was in deep thought. I cleared my throat which caused him to turn abruptly. Without a second thought I just hit him over the head with the blunt object and he fell back onto the chair. "Yoongi what the fuck are you doing!" he shouted.

It amused me how he used such vulgar language with such a stupid question. He knew what I was doing, he knew very damn well. I didn't answer him, solely because I couldn't. I strapped him down to the chair and hit him over the head again, this time I made him bleed. The sight of the crimson red was enough to make me smile and walk over to his desk. 

"Now father just relax, this won't hurt at all" I said as I sat down and turned on the machine. "Let's play a game, I'll be you and you'll be me." I played with the dials on the machine, determining whether or not I should go to ten volts or fifty.

"Yoongi please let me go...don't do this, you're not a killer." My father pleaded like a bitch.

"Ah, you see? You already know what to do and what to say. So go ahead father, plead, scream for your life and I'll just sit here and do this." I turned up the dial to ten and watched as his body went into a fit of spasms. I stopped and waited for him to calm down.


"What father? You want more? Is that want you want? The surge of death to flow within your veins? Ok father I'll do as you say because I'm such a good boy." I turned the dial up to thirty and watched as his skin turned red and tears slid down those wrinkled cheeks. My insanity and I were both getting a kick out of this. I haven't had that much fun since I was a kid.

"Y-Y-Y-Yo-Y-oon-Yoongi!" my father shuddered through shock teeth. "I'm Sorr-y"

"Sorry? Sorry for what father? Sorry that you, mother and Yoonjae neglected me? Sorry that you pretended to be a perfect father when in reality you're nothing but the shit under on your feet?" I turned the dial even higher and watched as smoke came out from his ears. 

"No father, you're not sorry, you're just begging like a bitch for your life. Sorry never existed in your world and neither did I." I turned the dial on full blast and sat there as my father's body was burning up from nine hundred watts of electricity that was running through his body.

The entire time, I stood there and smiled as I played the game out, that is until he stopped moving and his flesh was beginning to cook. 

"Oops looks like I played the game to bitter end." I chuckled as I turned down the dial and turned off the machine. "I guess you should have never judged me and you were warned." I got off the desk and examined the corpse. 

It was bloody and burned and his eyes were in the back of his head. His once white teeth were stained yellow and his fingernails were falling off. He looked like a master piece. 


"When my mother came home that night, she didn't ask for him right away but she did smell something awkward and questioned me about it. I just smiled and told her that it must have been the wind."

Dr. Kim's face looks pale but he just licks his lips and nods. "And your mother never questioned your father's disappearance? Not once?"

"Nope. Not even my brother. They both figured he just left us like any other business man with an affair would do. Of course it hurt my mother a lot but gradually she got over it."

"I see...and that didn't bother you? Not once?" I could heard the double meaning behind his tone.

" fact I was relieved but only for a short while. My mother began asking too many questions especially about Jimin. I didn't want her to pry on our friendship and I knew if she found out about him and I hanging out, she would forbid him to speak to me. I couldn't allow that to happen so I stopped her the best way I could."

" did you kill your mother?"

"Well...she always did forget to lock the medicine cabinet."

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