I miss you a lot.... 💔💔
I'm thinking of you all the time... 😿😿
When I close my eyes... I see your wonderful smile.. And your beautiful dark eyes look at me gladly... 💞💞
I asked Allah to give you sport from your family , Embalmment, happiness,health, force of belief, success... ect... 💜💜
I also asked Allah for us " you to be mine and me to be yours"... ♥ ♥
If you're cheating on me.. 💔💔I'll forgive you.. 🖤🖤And l always hope you the best... ❤️❤️
I'll always be there to sport you , help you in your troubles , share your pain with you..♥ ♥
Love you more than my self... ❤️❤️#Fatima_Abdalmajid.. 💙